Did anyone hear Hilary's victor speech in WV?

I heard part of it on NPR. Did it sound like she is conceeding the race? There was nothing said about when she is president but a lot about putting a democrat in the White House.


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No, she didn't concede the race. But it seems obvious that she knows she can't win it either. I think her remaining in the race is probably good for the party and the rise in voters across the country. As long as she keeps her message positive and not divisive like she had been doing for the last couple of months.


All I know is that I flew out of Dulles today, and Obama's picture was on the cover of Time as the candidate, and the cardboard cutouts outside the news stand were of McCain and Obama, with nary a Hillary Clinton to be found.


People actually listen to NPR? I thought NPR was long gone... Oh yeah, they're government funded, they'll never go away...

Regarding Hillary, I prefer to not listen to her ever. She's already left a big enough stain on this country.


yeah I heard it and she still trying to hang in there with it. At least it would be something else to see a WOMAN for president I mean it always been men (no offense men in this world) I think she should stay in the race for the whitehouse until they say for fact that she can't win.


What? Another terrible speech? Kinda like listening to some one drag their fingernails down a chalkboard isn't it?

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