Anyone else fed up with American Express customer service, especially their web site?
I've been using an additional card to the personal card my husband uses. I manage the card separately online and it has its own billing address. Unfortunately, I found out when a purchased was rejected online that the street name was off by one letter, just one. I tried to change it online and found that the necessary link to do so... just wasn't there. If I log in on my husband's card, it's there, but with the additional, nothing. I have since tried changing it by e-mail, which had no result but a lot of butt-kissing form letters that include instructions on how to use the link that isn't there. They said they changed it manually for me... no, they didn't. I tried calling, got a butt-kissing human who had no earthly idea why the link was missing, said she'd change it for me. Now the street and number are gone, too. A further e-mail asking specifically why I had no link allowing me to change my address resulted in the same form letter I got the first time. ARGH!