Are you automatically a racist if you vote for your own race?

This is basically what I am hearing on here. If your black and vote for Obama your racist, if your white and vote for anybody but Obama your racist.... Is this the truth?

Lindsay Katesters2008-05-20T22:57:56Z

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Heck no techno! "party voting" is just like how this democratic election is going it seems.. the "party" of african americans is backing Obama, and the "party" of middle class whites is backing hilary. Not based on their ideas, but on who they reach out to more.


they do, whenever the media refers to states Obama must win they mention how many blacks are in that area. FYI just because someone who is black votes for Obama doesn't make them racist it makes some of them a Democrat. Almost the same amount voted for Bill Clinton so was that acceptable because Clinton was white? Stop focusing on skin color and focus on the issues! What this presidential race has revealed is the racism that sadly still exist. How come no one is questioning all the women who are now blindly supporting McCain just because of Palin are those women racist?


Most blacks that voted for Obama are racists,because it's obvious he doesn't know how to run a country or what he's talking about.

Tony Starks2008-05-20T22:57:27Z

black people might feel that way because in the past if they stood up for anything they were shot back down..
that same mentality they had back then still echos
but if vote simply based on race then you might be a little racist


I dont think really depends on why you cast your vote. Im sure there are some fools in Kentucky who didn't vote for Obama because hes black. THAT is racism

But if your white and choose to vote hillary because you think she has a great laugh that doesnt make you racist

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