So there are trolls here and we can report them but what can we do for idioacy?

On the linked question a guy gives his social. Assuming it is real, if this is a community and we look out for everybody short of reporting, which I did to save his credit rating, what else can we do for him? Thoughts?


Don't give Molk Man thumbs down that is funny!


Great input I have given everybody thumbs up!


Favorite Answer

My thoughts are that this entire QUESTION is begging to get reported - and anyone who answers is just as guilty...

Giving out PERSONAL INFORMATION - which the ENTIRE WORLD can see - is not only a Violation of the Community Guidelines, but just a bone-headed thing to do.

You have NO idea who sees this sort of thing - and this is something the average teen just can't wrap their head around. By posting your screen name, etc. - you are practically BEGGING some psyhco nut-job stalker to start IM'ing you!


Sword Lily2008-05-22T20:20:22Z

You're a doll for trying to look out for him/her. If I had to guess it's not their own SSN they are blasting all over the web. It's the SSN of a former BF/GF or a family member they are trying to get back at. Some people can be evil.


That was nice of you, but not your responsibility. You are enabling this person to attain even greater heights of idioacy. Let Social Darwinism do it's job and take this guy out of the gene pool.


If someone is stupid enough to give their social security online to a complete stranger, there is nothing you can do to help him. He probably does ever more ridiculous things in person.


I reported that question and asked to have it deleted. Apparently a few others did as well ... it's gone now.

Honestly, some people are just stupid.