Rose vs. Pheonix {Jean Grey From X-Men} Wohse ur pick and Also M.Bison Vs. Magneto what do you think?

Rose one of the more stronger characters in Street Fighter vs. Pheonix 1 of the strongest characters in Marvel Same with M.Bison and Magneto 2 Bosses who run a very complex orginization with the Mutants and Shadoloo {Shadowlaw} whose your pick fans


Favorite Answer

Lets see...

Rose is a fortune teller with some psychic powers.

Phoenix is threat at cosmic level.

No contest, Phoenix wins.

Bison is a criminal overlord with some kind of mental powers.

Magneto can disrupt the electromagnetic field of the whole planet and fight head to head with a team of the strongest X-Men.

Also no contest, Magneto wins.