convince YA to open a forum just for Airsoft, Paintball, and airguns?
Like lots of other guncranks, I'm getting sort of tired of all the airsoft questions and airgun questions. Especially since so often the question is not clearly about toys.
I checked into the Hunting Forum a while ago and all the questions on page 1, except two, were about airsoft, paintball, and airguns.
I've accepted the fact that guns and shooting will not get a seperate forum, but I'd sure love to see the toys seperated from the real firearms and hunting questions.
I find the toy gun questions to be a PIA, but I really don't agree with reporting them, especially if they are asking a legitimate question about their hobby. And in the loosest sense of the word, they are talking about guns, and this is the only place in town to do it.
I'd just like to them have a separate forum. I never had an airsoft or paintball gun, and I've not shot an airgun in over 20 years. I've no interest in the toy guns. Doc
Dammit HunterFisher!!!
Why do you have to go and be so damned reasonable?!?!
I don't want to discourage beginners. If you will check my answer history, you will see that I take the time to give solid detailed answers to even the most naive questions. I'd love to argue with you, because I find all these toy gun questions a pain and annoyance. But I guess you have at least some truth in your answer. I'd be willing to bet that all of us gun cranks got started with BB guns when we were squirts. I guess I've been spoiled by spending so much time on formus dominated by middle-aged men and women.
Favorite Answer
We Don't. Some of these questions could be the first spark in the career of a lifetime firearms owner/user. We should encourage this behavior.
Doc, I know you to be a very good contributer. But, let's think about this for a minute....Do you recall outdoor guru Jim Zumbo about a year ago denounce the AR15 style rifles for legitimate hunting purposes? Tud Nugent set Jim straight that no matter what a person hunts with, they are "gunwowners" and we should embrace them as brothers and sisters. Right On. Same for airguns and the like. These sports breed new users of firearms. Just sort through the posts and allow the "airgunners" to see the hunting forum and the fun that we have. It can only help our cause. We need every person to understand the joy of owning and using firearms. An airgun is a very good practice tool for using other firearms. Learning is a good thing, sometimes one can learn something from reading posts that are "out of scope" to our normal reading habits. If you are looking for the heavy technicalities of guns, reloading etc. this is not the forum. This is why I like this forum, as it feels good to share my knowledge with beginners.....I can tell be your most excellent and well thought out answers to questions on this forum that you agree with me.
Well considering that hunting has nothing to do with paintball, airsoft, etc.
I figured they would be better off in the general outdoors section, but i totally agree. With their popularity, you think they would have their own forum.
Lets see how many people agree with you on this and put all of our chips in a pile. We all go ahead and email Y!A on the same day throughout the day and see what happens.
I too have nothing against paintballers, airsofters, etc. They do have a great sport and hobby, but there is a major difference between that hobby and real firearm hobbies.
Believe me extreme sporters, we are not trying to diss ya, just help you get what you need to get your questions answered by people in the field....
Well I sent this very suggestion to Yahoo with no result. I also posted this suggestion in their suggestion area and only got a very few people to even respond to it. Then I gave up. After that I saw what happened to randy with his Q about this. So now I think it will never happen.
I agree the kids need their own place, personally I think air soft belongs in the games area or toys area. That said I do not give them a hard time because I remember being a kid with my BB guns and my cowboy cap guns. And I remember my uncles laughing at me as I drew both cap gun colts out of my gun slinger holsters and pretended to shoot the “bad guys”. They stopped laughing a few years later when one uncle let me shoot his revolver and I made a can dance across the ground with it. So while it’s aggravating, I see these airsoft kids’ future gun owners; who because of age or laws can’t own a real gun. But one day they will be answering the Q’s about guns in cyberspace, after all of us old gun cranks are gone. They may just well be the ones who carry on the torch, which we have carried for so many decades. And I am sure they will be rolling their eyes at the Q’s they get then.
I second the motion! (is that right?) anyway, I'm also quite bugged by this kind of toy-firearm reality separation. Coz just try to type "what is a good cheap bolt action rifle" and still there's this airsoft stuff coming. :D
Doc, I'm still trying to figure out why Yahoo quit notifying me of best answers and of answers to questions I have posted??? It is IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of anyone in customer care!
I agree with you about non-hunting related questions pertaining to 'toy' guns as well as questions about full-auto, 'silencers' and bullets that will defeat soft body armor. OMG! What do they think, that we're 'assassins-R-us' simply because we like guns and we like to hunt! That only fuels the anti-gunner flame.
The only suggestion I have is to continue reporting anyone that posts a strictly non-hunting question here. Maybe Yahoo will get the message!