As a Jew, thank you for your replies to "Did the Holocaust Occur?"?
I see everyone fighting like Hell in here every day, but one chatter posted a question that brought the vast majority together.
As a Jew, I lost relatives in the Holocaust and having read many of your replies, it gives me hope for the future and the knowledge that people are not necessarily as radical as they appear from time to time in R/S.
So thank you. (wanna bet I get booted for not asking a question?)
H R2008-05-27T10:37:43Z
Favorite Answer
The Holocaust was horrible. I can relate somewhat. The religion that I belong to had an extermination order out against it in the 1800's. Many of my relatives had to flee for their lives to be saved. Don't understand why someone thinks it is O.K. to mur der because someone is of a different race or religion. Horrible tragedy.
Let's be like General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, who when finding the victims of the Nazi death camps, ordered all possible photographs to be taken. He even ordered the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. Eisenhower did this because he said in words to this effect: "Get it all on record now, get the films, get the witnesses, because somewhere down the track of history some b*****d will get up and say that this never happened."
I am not a religious person in any way - but the Holocaust was just terrible. There are not actually words to express how totally disgusting the whole thing was.
Nothing like that will ever happen again, to anyone. It can't do. It's just... horrible. No one deserves that.
Holocaust denial has taken on a new political dimension. They think if the Holocaust didn't happen, they can get rid of Israel. What they don't realize is that Israel was on it's way to happening before the Holocaust and would have happened without it. For one thing, considering - it was only a couple short years from end of war to '48, obviously the country didn't form in that time.
I'm sure you know all this, just thought I'd mention it anyway.
Also classic hatred brought the world to the point of the Holocaust. It's quite a smudge on their record to have such an obvious problem come out of their gotta get rid of the evidence.
=======- To the Palestine analogy - you really have NO idea what the Holocaust was like, if you think Palestinians experience anything like it. This is political motivation to use the big evil to beat up the victims, to gain polically for yourselves. Not saying it's a perfect life but consider:
- Palestinian's have CHOICES. All they have to do is elect a moderate government that doesn't want to eliminate Israel, and they will have peace,and assistence from the whole world. Israel bend over backwards to help them build up business & progress during Olso.
- Palestinian's smuggle in weapons with those supplies - to Eliminate Israel. It's not to protect themselves. That's NOT what they say on their public TV, speeches, and blogs.
- Palestinians have the highest birth rate and population growth in the world. Jews were EXTERMINATED en mass. (And we all know the Jennin massacre didn't happen, was a hoax.)
- Jews were in slave labor camps, with horrorific things happening that are incredibly beyond military actions, anything that's happened in WB & Gaza.
- Palestinians are doing a Holocaust on their children by letting THEM fight soldiers...then use them as PR. (See all the videos referenced, then look a few more meters past the setup and see what the kids were really doing!)
- I really don't get people's being so hateful that they come up with this drivel...
This posting has made me curious to go back and read the other postings you refer to. Im sorry about your loss. The holocaust is a scar that belongs on humanity. None of us must ever let anyone be persecuted again.