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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

OK, so the "Holocaust" is a scam. What should we do about it? Obviously, not ALL Jews are responsible, so...?

Besides immediately removing it as a subject from the school curriculum, and removing fraudulent memorials from countries outside Israel, what else ought we to do about it? Should there be any kind of censure for profiteers? Obviously, most Jews have seen NO gain from the hoax, but some most certainly have, and high, important positions in the West have been finagled because of it. And most of the billions in "reparations" won have not actually been passed on to the "survivors"!

And, of course, A certain Middle Eastern country has enjoyed total freedom to brutalise, off the back of it. Will the UN now act to commence War Crime proceedings? What do you think?



Jo--because people keep insisting on getting RID of it--alarm! Alarm!

Update 2:

Deep Thought--WHICH people? The ones that represent a number picked out of the air?

Update 3:

Elizabeth--did your gf say he saw anyone gassed? How many? Were they Jews? How did he know?

Update 4:

jcard3--by "more dramatic" do you mean "people are dying today"? Yep.

Update 5:

Snakeman--"should definitely be ignored from that point on !"

So--find something in his past and use that, eh? That'll work. How about Menachem Begin? "We Jews are the Master Race."

Update 6:

Ladylibel--seen it before--say WHAT never happened? No mention of gas or six million there.

Update 7:

Jim J--thanks for the support and the info (saved)

Update 8:

Sagacious--"Disavowing an actual event as a hoax is certainly NOT a solution."

Solution to what? A problem? What problem? You didn't say.

32 Answers

  • Jim J
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Holocaust was a Total hoax, There are reams of alternative evidence,Scientific,testimony, verbal etc to counteract the photographs and alleged gas Chambers,all those that believe it just need to search out that alternative history. Just because one is told something happened doesn't mean it happened in the way it did.The same system lied to us about Iraq and Afghanistan and everything in between, why not the Holocaust? For example the German Government sent its scientists to prove the gas chambers when they couldn't the German Gov jailed them (Germer Rudolph) the Rudolph report. The commandant of Austwich was tortured to a confession of guilt, at the Nuremberg trials files and testimony was withheld from the Defence lawyers.History is always one sided and,to believe unconditionally the Holocaust industry is just intellectual laziness. Look into it in an objective rational view and the believers will then see the big lie. Denying the Jewish Holocaust is the only one you can be jailed for,when people are forced to believe something,thats when I doubt it.

    Source(s): The leuchter report. Holocaust Revision society,the Adelaide institute David Irvings (Hitlers War)
  • 1 decade ago

    Disavowing an actual event as a hoax is certainly NOT a solution. Instead, like racism, the issue needs to be faced and frames of reference need to change. Here's what Avraham Burg, a former Speaker of the Israeli Parliament and former Chairman of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization, has to say on the matter:

    "The trauma of the Holocaust as an identity issue prevents the Jewish people from reaching out and from trusting themselves, their neighbors and the world."


    Relating back to what you asked about War Crimes... that a collective identity defined by a trauma, i.e., the Holocaust, can turn the victims into victimizers. The interview is a bit long, but (I think) the man nails it! Perhaps this will help better illustrate the perspective I'm trying to convey:;_ylt=Asmop...

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's be like General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, who when finding the victims of the Nazi death camps, ordered all possible photographs to be taken. He even ordered the German people from surrounding villages to be ushered through the camps and even made to bury the dead. Eisenhower did this because he said in words to this effect: "Get it all on record now, get the films, get the witnesses, because somewhere down the track of history some b*****d will get up and say that this never happened."

  • 1 decade ago

    You're an idiot! I wish Holocaust denial was illegal in the UK then you would be locked up!

    You're denying the deaths of millions and millions of innocent people. People who had everything taken from them, their family, friends, jobs, houses, pocessions, even their hair! Their name and identity was taken and replaced with a number!

    The Holocaust victims were babies all the way up to the elderly! They were gassed to death, forced to do hard labour on basically no food, starved, subjected to living in an environment full of disease, had half starved dogs set on them, were forced to dig their own graves and were then shot, were beaten to death, had lethal experiments done on them especially young twins, had operations done on them with NO athestetic, the list really goes on..

    The victims were all buried in mass graves like they weren't people.

    The Holocaust is a well documented fact with plenty and plenty of evidence!

    The victims of the Holocaust went through what you could never even imagine and people today have the cheek to treat them like they were a "myth"!

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  • 1 decade ago

    It was because of people (and I use the word loosely) like you, that photos were taken to document the Holocaust. Do you suppose all those human skeletons and bodies were actors or computer generated? You are the type of scum that would allow this to happen again. Denying Holocaust history will guarantee that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there have been holocausts in the past, and even right now, the difference is that the second world war holocaust had a very good publicity.... i don´t see why we must still blaming ourselves for auschwitz and we don´t move a finger for darfur that is so far more dramatic than auschwitz

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Were you dropped on your head as a child? The holocaust happened. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. Aside from all the photographic and written evidence, how are you going to tell the people who actually ssurvivedthe horrors of the concentration camps AND the men who liberated the camps (my grandfather was one of them) that the holocaust never happened? You're an idiot.

    Edit: He didn't actually see anyone being killed. He just saw thousands of naked corpses thrown in a stack like garbage. I doubt they starved themselves and then killed themselves. You're still an idiot.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Nobody disputes there were millions imprisoned and killed because they were jewish. Nobody.

    The exact figures and methods of killing are disputed. Not the holocaust in general.

    It was a holocaust for all non-aryans, not just Jewish people, but they were the largest single group.

  • 1 decade ago

    Kinda ironic your link posts to a forum headed by someone who claimed to be the son of God ,

  • 1 decade ago

    It's too bad these Americans cannot think independently. Maybe that's why they voted for their current President.

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