Should I leave Korea right now?

I need urgent help from all the foreign English teachers on here. I have been offered a good job at UNISA in Pretoria, South Africa just today. I've been in Korea for 7 years now and want to leave at the end of my contract (2008/02/28), so I can start over in South Africa. Only problem now is that the school will not let me leave in such short notice. Also. I have some bad experiences in Pretoria. Like getting my freekin' ankle cut off from some a$$ that robbed me. I NEED HELP IN MAKING A DECISION. Do I screw the school here in Korea or do I finish honorably and take my chances back in South Africa with no job? Well, not NO JOB, but no luxury! Also, I may be given some kind of head position at my school next year. I have been there 4 years and know more than my supervisor! I mean on getting the job done. I'm really passionate about teaching here and this is killing me inside.


Sorry. The date should be 2009/02/28. I was kinda tired last night when I posted this question.


Favorite Answer

Hey Porgie! It's me... Kara_Nari (changed my account).
So you're thinking about making the giant leap!
What does your family think? Are your kids settled more in Korea, or would they prefer being back in South Africa? (That's your home country... right? sorry, memory is a bit rusty)

If you were planning on going back to South Africa anyway, there is no saying that the job offered to you would still be there if you were to wait anyway... I'm kind of leaning towards the "Do what feels right" but I realise that's not really answering your question.

At the end of the day, you need to do what's right for your family... sounds like you could have great opportunities wherever you decide to go, but you need to seriously consider what is outside of your work life too. Do you take the risk of crazy Korean ajumma drivers, or crazy guys who rob you on the street in South Africa? There are risks anywhere you go.

Also which job is going to fulfill you more? Think about those factors before you care about letting the school down... not all schools are careless and greedy, but then there are a lot that are.

Keep breathing deeply, don't let it overwhelm you! Talk to your family, and your buddies back in South Africa to find out the situation on the streets back there. How long will they leave the job open for you?


When does the teaching position start? When do they need a decision. If you think this is a good opportunity, I say go for it. To hell with the school. I mean it sounds like they are giving you a hard time otherwise you wouldn't be making a decision like this, especially after 7 years of loyal service.
I agree with V-Man that many schools in Korea do not appreciate quality teachers, especially those who have been in the business for a while. They will however, remember you after you have left and things start to fall apart. They forget what they once had, until it is too late to fix it.

If you need to go quickly, I would be getting all my stuff together and preparing for a runner. However, before you do that make sure you get all the economics ties taken care of. It will be tough to get those once you are out of the country.

Good luck


If you have been here 4 years and you are still working for somebody you're not doing well in Korea. I would do what's in the best interest for you. Koreans don't care about you and certainly don't have any loyalty to you. If you are an English teacher, you can easily be replaced.
But South Africa would be at the bottom of my list of places that I would want to teach. Why don't you go to Japan or Taiwan?


I would stay in Korea South Africa is full of violence and will not stop soon. IT is actually going to get worse with elections coming up there.
If you really want to get out of Korea you can find a job in some other country (not in Africa). Teaching jobs probably aren't too hard to find and you could do substituting first.


DO NOT LEAVE KOREA!!!! Dude I wish I could walk down the streets of Ul-San or Busan right now, but I cannot, I am stuck here in New York State....Stay in Korea, it is safer than S.A., many of my friends came from SA...the violence there is scary. Korea is a beautiful country, so much to discover....I only wish I could be in Korea now....I envy you......

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