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Anonymous asked in TravelAsia PacificKorea · 4 months ago

Is weird if I find Kpop really annoying ? ?

I am Asian, I can’t stand Kpop... it’s basically the same concept of a “ Boys band” a bunch of good looking people doing standard dance’s moves, The same structure for their songs, 1:30 of singing the same chores, and the typical “ rap moments” accompanied with a pretentious lame dance, Am I the only one?

7 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    No. Today's kpop is ****

  • 3 months ago

    Listen to rap, much better. Nicer tattooeedd faces or faeces. Don't you just luve the ghetto beat?

  • 3 months ago

    I personally hate those K-pop, they’re all have the same facial,pal,gay looking, tons of plastic surgery , only girls teen agers love them

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    No, it's just like how I find all English speaking entertainment to be trashy and low lives.

    I really hate English entertainment because it's so boring and predictable. I was born in the US, but I don't watch/listen to English speaking TV or music because it sucks

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  • 4 months ago

    No, that's just your personal taste in music which varies from person to person.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Koreans have spent years attempting to export their culture to the rest of the world, with varying degrees of success. Koreans have a serious inferiority complex. They resent the fact that Japan is so much better at establishing its own unique identity around the world, even if in many cases what people perceive to be "Japanese" is actually a very simplified and clichéd version of the real thing. 

    People from Australia to Britain to Canada know about sushi and Ramen, Japanese cars and electronics, anime and manga, geishas and the schoolgirl fetish thing and Japanese porn, samurai and ninjas, all that stuff. What does Korea have? Sure, people buy Hyundai cars and Samsung smartphones, but everything that Korea attempts to market to the world at large is a fake, hollow, one-dimensional, shallow, superficial, vapid, vacuous mimeograph of the real thing. 

    Koreans have been attempting to make bibimbap and kimchi and hanboks a thing for years and it hasn't really happened. A big reason why the whole K-Pop and K-Drama craze took off so much is that Korea doesn't really have much of a tradition of having a proper art or music style uniquely its own, at least not historically. Sure, there are a few Korean musical instruments, and Koreans are immensely proud of their writing system, but the historical dramas - the period pieces set in old Joseon that Koreans themselves like to watch, and the folk music that they like to listen to have zero appeal to foreigners. 

    This is where K-Pop and K-Dramas come in. K-Dramas create a fictitious Korea that Koreans can get lost in. K-Dramas take place in a parallel version of Korea where everybody is flawlessly gorgeous, always dressed to the 9s, and lives in an antiseptically clean world where life consists of whiling the time away in trendy cafes and tucking into Korean fare around the table at home or in some fancy restaurant. The actors and actresses look as though they just stepped out of the pages of a catalogue or off the modeling runway. They don't come off as real people with real problems. Moreover, none of the idiots they cast in those dramas could act their way out of a wet paper bag. The lack of acting talent is staggering. But when you look that good, who needs talent, right? 

    K-Pop is just plastic noise. It's formulaic and samey and boring. Again, Koreans rely on the same basic formula - dress it up so that it looks like what you want it to be and people will see the illusion and like it. K-Pop is a bunch of old Korean men in a board room flipping through headshots and handpicking gorgeous Korean girls and guys and mixing and matching them to create little groups. Once that part is done they begin assigning a silly image to each of them - making one athletic, the next a little bit ghetto, giving one a shy persona, another a naughty look, etc. Then they have their teams of writers - established hitmakers, start working on songs for their new "group." We're talking about people who brand themselves as singers and musicians who have nothing but the most rudimentary vocal skills or dance skills who are performing songs written by other people while following choreography drawn up by somebody else. 

    Here in Korea nobody over the age of 25 likes any of that rubbish. And it's only popular around the world because idiot adolescents in other countries mistakenly believe that it accurately depicts and represents Korea, Korean society, and Korean people. It's easily one of the worst musical genres in existence today, and that's saying a lot considering that we're living in an era where music has been awful for decades. It's irredeemable bilge.     


  • 4 months ago

    Why would being Asian require you to like KPop?

    No, you're not alone, and being Asian doesn't make any difference. Different people like different musical genres. 

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