Is Al Qaida guilty of sexism?

If I hadn't read this story with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it, but thats what its female members have accused its leaders of!

"A woman's role, (leader Ayman Al-Zawahri) said on the Internet audio recording, is limited to caring for the homes and children of al-Qaida fighters.

His remarks have since prompted an outcry from fundamentalist women, who are fighting or pleading for the right to be terrorists."

Eleanor B2008-05-31T11:32:39Z

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Lol that is unbelievable, I wouldn't have even thought al-Qaida women would be asking for equality. I doubt feminists will fight for equal rights to be a terrorist! :-)


the female soldiers in chiapas, mexico also accused the male leaders of the same. the mission was to achieve equality for the poor, the women wondered, why aren't you granting us equality if you purport to be fighting for equality? in other words, it was hypocrisy.

there are some women in this world who want to have the opportunity to be rebels or terrorists or whatever. keep in mind that even al qaida (like all others before them, even hitler) believe they are doing good.

as humans who are passionate about thier cause, these women want the same opportunity as the men. why should men deny them this opportunity? (and on the contrary, some men with use and/or exploit women for their causes, too).

anyway, i dont condone it, my point is we're always trying to put women in these tightly resricted roles in life instead of letting them have their freedom.


We supported the Taliban below the theory that if Russia became their enemy, then that made them our buddy. They have been waiting to apply American offered weapons against our infantrymen. a brilliant form of the Mideast became cheering interior the streets while our domicile and Senate grew to grow to be Democrat ruled interior the final election. we would desire to awaken. Bush has no longer dealt with the situation, yet a bleeding heart in his place will supply people a actual wakeup call.

tony rome2008-05-31T15:07:26Z

Al Quida is guilty of several things including sexism.

Rio Madeira2008-05-31T13:50:18Z

What ISN'T al-Qaeda guilty of? It's sad that this is a viable career path for anyone.

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