Is it easier to discount Obama than believe in the possiblity of him making things better?


I was born in 71 so yes I am familiar Jimmy Carter

GEORGIA ON MY MIND2008-06-02T07:26:09Z

Favorite Answer

Brother most People on this planet have no clue and that includes Me. People say a lot about others and really have no idea what they're talking about because they have never really met the person they're ranting about. They're repeating what they've read or someone told them. Understand this. Regardless of who wins Gas will still go higher because of those who wish to gouge the American Public which includes People who vote for both parties. Terrorists will still keep trying to destroy what they think is the Great Satan and those who are associated with it because they're misguided into thinking that it's the right thing to do by others who are actually acting on Satans behalf. Last of all You and I will still Die in the end. With that being said I just have to keep doing the best I can for my Family and Others and hope and pray for the best results in the end.

Papa McCain2008-06-01T15:30:21Z

In a nation of 300 million people we ended up with 3 crackpots to choose from for President. Since I have yet to see any democrat since John Kennedy that couldn't be easily confused with a socialist I have to pick the lesser of three evils. No current democrat is capable of making anything better in regards to national security, the economy, or reducing interpolitical warfare in America.


I think you use the word "discount" far to lightly--people have extremly legitimate reasons for not wanting him as president of this country.Far to many people hear the word "change" and assume thats a good thing..and look no further..not into who he is, what kind of change he wants, or how he plans to fullfill these empty words of "change"---I personally do not want a change that involoves someone who enjoys the company of known terrorist, anti american, anti white and has followed a racist theology for the past 20 years.Here's your oppertunity to "discount" those facts ---change does not imply "better than" or "good"


What is he going to make better? Will his mere black presence in the white house automatically right all wrongs? He has little record of any political accomplishments, has stated NO clear plan for anything he intends to do for this country, and has caused division and hate with in his own party. He has plenty of of complaints and condemnation for the current administration, yet offers no better solution. I just don't get what you mean by better. You must be talking about the color of his skin.


I personally think that anyone who compares Obama to Carter aren't really thinking correctly, He's not even president yet, and people are already discounting him.geez,What people need to realize that If Obama is president, he will have adivsor's, cabinet members,his democratics colleagues,etc,to all help get this country on the right track

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