What happens to power tools that are used in surgeries?

I would guess that you couldn't sanitize them for more surgeries, but I don't know.

Do they destroy them or sell them?


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Odd question!
I'm a surgeon... In general, the power tools are either electrically driven or (more commonly) driven by compressed air. The compressed air-driven equipment is entirely sterilizable (is that a word?) and is sterilized in the usual fashion using an autoclave - in effect a pressure cooker used to achieve very high pressures and temperature. It is then re-used.

The equipment would be too expensive to discard though sometimes small parts like drill bits and the like might be disposable.

Hope this helps...


There are some weird questions on this thing..lol
But good ones...I would say clean them then reuse.


they probably sanitize them and reuse them because they are expensive.