Girls, tell me some water breaking stories!?

Im 10 weeks and 5 days. My 1st Doctors appointment is tomarrow! Tell me some of your stories. When did your water break? How did you feel?


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lol...sorry, but had to smile...I remember it well...I was sleeping and at about 1:30 am, felt like I wet the bed...I got up and was all wet....I called my boyfriend and told him (we were not married yet nor living together at that time)....he asked if I had "wet" the bed...there I was on the phone with towels all over and a flood of water on the floor and more coming out..:)....It did not hurt....I then went to the hosptial and develivered a healthy girl at 1pm....Good luck and hope all goes well...!!!


I had been having contractions for about 40 hours- I started getting them early Thursday evening, I went into the hospital at about 1 am on Friday, but I wasn't dilated, so they told me to go home and sleep (as if!). Friday afternoon I stopped feeling movements, so I rushed back into the hospital where they put the belly band on to test the baby's heartrate- it was dropping down to 30bpm before coming back up again. The nurse told me that it was my placenta starting to break down (I was 10 days over by this stage). As I had an appointment in the morning to get induced, they kept me overnight in the hospital for observation.

In the morning, I was wheeled down to the birth suite, where I had another internal exam. It went like this: "Good news and bad news, I'm afraid. You are dilated to 6cm, so you don't need to be induced. Bad news; I feel feet." So Ella had turned around some time the day before- she had been the right way round up until then. We figured this was why I wasn't feeling her kick anymore. The Dr booked me in for a ceasar at 11.30 and told me to cross my legs and not let my waters break (very funny, not!).

They broke at 10. I felt a pop and then a gush of fluid from between my legs. It really was the strangest feeling, yet I knew what it was immediately. Almost straightaway after that I started feeling the urge to push. I told the midwife who was sitting in the room with me and she ran and pressed the emergency button. Less than 1 minute passed when about 10 doctors and nurses came in and had a good look. They rushed me into theatre, keeping a hand between my legs, and telling me not to push. Less than 15 minutes later, Ella Michelle was born. Thankfully, that was the only hiccup that occurred- both before birth and after. She is a very happy, healthy 8 month old now.


For two of my children my water broke right before the birth. With my first child it broke about 10 mins before I gave birth. I had already been in labor for 25 hours. But after it broke, she just started coming I only pushed 3 times and that was with a cervix at 9cm. My second child my labor was 8 hours and my watter broke moments before she was born I never pushed for her, the water breaking did all the work for me. With my 3rd child I didn't think I was in labor so I kept putting it off. I made it to the hospital just in time for my water to break. If I had waited any longer it would have broke while I was in church. While my labor for her was only 3 hours, once my water broke (my cervix was only 3 cm) It was the hardest of all of my labors. I am a strong believer in allowing the water to break on its own. I really don't think there is much need to break it. My second daughter the one I didn't push for, her head was not coming down ( a reason doctors will break the water) but it didn't matter, once my body was ready it happened and fast and I had an easy delivery. So one suggestion to you. Don't let them tell you it needs to be done. If there is an absolute emergency than they will let you know, but hang on to it as long as you can.
Good Luck and Congratulations


My water didn't break with any of my 4. They broke it with 2 & all of a sudden I went from 5 to fully dialated in less than 30 minutes....with the other 2 I had c-sections.


My water broke on it's own with 3 of my 4 children while I was home. It goes "glug,glug,glug" like a jug of milk when it first breaks. If you have gestinational Diabeties the water flow is worse. It is MESSY! You'll need lots of dry towels. But for most women your water doesn't break until your in active labor at the hospital. Good luck and ENJOY being a mommie, it is GREAT!

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