For those who have had the lap Band Surgery:?

What are the requriments for the surgery? I know my Insurance will cover it! What else should I know?

Diane Y2008-06-03T09:39:29Z

Favorite Answer

I had Lap Band 4-16-08 and my insurance required different criteria than others, you have to find out what the requirements are for your certain insurance. I had Medicare.
There is a website site that tells you about the Lap Band and it is, I don't remember if it tells you all the requirements or not. Find a Weight Loss Doctor and find out what his office I said, all insurance companies are different and require different things and the bariatric doctor's office can, if they take your insurance...Good Luck, you will love the Band...I am down 30 pounds....


this is a very involved process i think you should do alot of research first. you can look it up on the Internet and find out alot. this is a pretty major thing. it is very life changing. good luck!!