Can any one help me out with some wedding shower games?

Women and men included!


Favorite Answer

the good ones are near the bottom

Good Luck!


Hi there
Well now I have always thought about this among different lights. But in the grand scheme of things strip poker is the way to go. This was invented a long time ago and it’s been shown through out the ages as a popular way to break the ice. Fun and creative this will get your guests entertained and excited. I love to just get home after a long day in the office and do the good old strip poker with my family.

Now then things to avoid are; wearing loose jewellery, eating strong scented food, and also avoid playing if you've not got clean clothes on.

I really hope this helps

Las. x


Okay, if it's a co-ed shower, toss the games. You're adults at a wedding shower, not 12-year-olds at a birthday party. (Do you really think men would enjoy "Newlywed Bingo?" Uh... no.)

Don't sell the bride and groom short; give them a classy, elegant shower that doesn't make them feel like kids, and doesn't make anyone blush.


trivia about the couple
wedding pictonary
something like the newlywed game for th couples


im having my wedding shower and REFUSE to have any games. i hate them. i am doing mine on a FRIDAY NIGHT at a cool restaurant/bar, instead of a sunday afternoon. i hate all those games. . . good luck, whatever you choose!!!

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