What movie should I watch right now?

I am bored! I want to watch a movie, any movie, any good movie...tell me what you think I should watch...


I've seen many of these in the past and watched a few tonight! Thanks for all the great suggestions...!

Academy Award Boy2008-06-07T21:43:02Z

Favorite Answer

My two favorite movies that I just watched today

The Rock and Adaptation

Shelby F2008-06-08T12:56:51Z

I Am Legend. Afterward, you`ll never want to be in the dark alone again. It`s right behind you. It`ll do it...
It`s so sad the way the kid and mom die with the helicopter, and when the dog turns into a creature type thingie, he has to kill it by breaking its neck, I actually cried.
but never fear, 2009 isn`t here! (that`s the year it was supposed to start, and that Robert Neville guy (Will Smith in real life) survived three years without being bit and turned into a creature. (It`s called I am legend because he was the last person on earth. everybody else was a creature. they lose their hair. the girlfriend creature when she got angry and freaked on the bed, then died, and back to life again looks exactly like my Yahoo personals cutie (boyfriend, now. It works!!!!) patients (hes a doctor.)

If you want a horribly scary Spanish movie, get it with subtitles itll make sense. Its called "The Orphanage" too scary to tell about. its rated R because its really scary. with the "one two three touch the wall" motion, (a Spanish game. You need at least two to three people. The banger person faces a hard surface they can bang on, such as a tree, or wall. then, they say, "One two three, touch the wall" and the other person comes forward, closer to them .the banger looks back. the person is closer. they do it until the other person touches the banger, and the other person runs away. the main character does it, and spirits get closer.

~Shelby knows all~


The Rocky Movies.


It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

Anil I2008-06-07T21:31:19Z

Annie Hall

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