Jobless rate highest since 1986. Mortgage defaults highest in 20 years.?

Does this now officially confirm that Bush is as great a president as Reagan? He seems to be matching Reagan's performance.


Re: #1 fan. Just why is "personal responsibility" required on the part of a victim of deceptive practices, but not on the perpetrator? Give it some thought.


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wow, imagine how bad it would be,if not for Bush's tax policies !!!!!!

Jim K2008-06-11T06:30:08Z

I think Reagan's performance pales in comparison. Reagan at least was a pragmatist, and pulled troops out of Lebanon. He didn't mindlessly stay the course.

Your #1 fan2008-06-11T06:32:36Z

Unemployment these days is due to mergers, outsourcing and the layoffs that go with them.

Don't get me started about all the people who are defaulting on their ARM mortgages. Read the fine print before you buy a major purchase. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


the only thing it confirms, is there are an awful lot of Republicans that will be pointing at the Democrats, because that is how personal responsibility works when you are a Republican.


Reagan fought the cold war, to an admirable conclusion.

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