Weight Watchers Core Plan questions?

I have been using Weight Watchers for the past 3 years and have decided to try the Core plan out this week. One of the things I love the most is corn. I've been eating a lot of it. Can I really eat as much as I want (until my body feels full) and not gain weight? I feel like I'm eating a LOT and I'm REALLY satisfied and I'm not over eating. It's a very strange feeling, so I just want to make sure I'm doing it right!

Any insight into this plan would be outstanding. I just want to make sure I'm "doing" it right!



Favorite Answer

Well I followed Weight Watchers Core Plan. That was 18 months ago. I managed to lose 48lbs in just over 6 months. I have since then been able to maintain my weight with ease.

I used this plan for the entire time, until I reached my goal. I still use this plan now. You are also allowed an extra weekly points allowance. Mine was 21 points. I am not too sure if this has changed now. Also by doing exercise you can earn activity points. These are great for that extra little treat. But try to make sure is just a little treat. The key is moderation.

You can eat until you feel full, all of the foods on the Core Plan. I did not once feel hungry on this plan, and still do not ever feel hungry now. Although I must say, since losing my weight I have cut my portion sizes down now. I give myself time to feel full now. Rather than keep eating until I feel completely full.

The Core Plan is a really healthy plan. Weight Watchers educated me. I was absolutely amazed how much rubbish I ate before I lost weight.

I hope you can stick to the Plan. The results are amazing once you have achieved your goal. You feel incredible.

I did also embark on exercise. This is something I had never done before. I know that this helped accelerate my weight loss. Just trying to move as much as you can will really help with your weight loss efforts.

I wish you all the best and hope in the not too distant future you achieve your goal.

Good Luck.


pick your own apples strawberries or other fruits and veggies


crank your ipod as you walk at 3 5 mph for 23 minutes


stand up and walk atleast 5 mins after evry 2 hours while working


Sleeping will effect your blody weight so get enough sleep to looss your weight

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