what do you do, if anything, when you can't stand your friend's (a very good friend) love interest?
i know it's none of my business, but i can't stand this person, who comes across as a phony snob, and i can't believe my friend has fallen for such an act. i don't want to say anything, yet i can't stand being around this person. do i just keep making up excuses to avoid them?
another thing, this person is so conceited, it drives me crazy.
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Here are some options:
1. Drink heavily whenever the snob man is around, and 2. Drink heavily whenever the snob man is around, .... and that is all I have right now (tired).
And in the meantime, hopefully your friend will accidentally drop her rose-colored glasses, and after they smash and fall apart, hopefully she will see him for his true colors: puke green and poo-poo platter brown. * cries for your pain *
Sometimes what we view as Phony is indeed Phony but sometimes they act that way because they are uncomfortable. I have been mistaken for that on several occasions because the people would say things making me uncomfortable. Hence, my response was to bite my tongue and say something nice.
Also, a lot of people think I am a snob just because they do not try to get to know me even after I put myself out there.
Solution: What I say to someone else about a person I will also say directly to the person spoken about. I cannot be 2 faced and have a clear conscience. Morning sweetie♥
There is nothing you can do. I have been in this situation one too many times. One of my friends ended up marrying the idiot and he got mad at me over something and he's the type who never forgives people and our friendship has just about stopped. She doesn't have anything to do with me anymore. I had another friend and our friendship almost ended by me trying to tell her about the guy she was dating. He broke it off with her and she blamed because he said because of me and his ex wife they couldn't be together. I told my friend if he truly wanted her he wouldn't use such a lame excuse. She didn't believe me but we worked through it. She married someone else half way descent. That guy is still a sore subject for us even though she knows I am right about him. It's a hard call. If you say something it won't do any good. They are going to side with the love interest. From my experiences, I would just keep making up excuses.
I remember in high school, my friend at the time had a girlfriend who I always seemed to make angry, any little thing I did or say, she would start bitching at me, it was very very odd. I had to end up ignoring her, and eventually just stop talking to the guy completely...hmmm...but good friend, I suppose a cheesy movie outcome can occur where the two people have something in common... : /
Yes, ummm, you know how I hate to be sincere, but don't endanger a friendship that MAY someday return by interfering. Ride it out OR try to remain as close as you can STAND to be while remaining CIVIL at worst with this person you reject. It may be possible - just possible - to find some merit in her and grow to like her. There ARE worse traits than snobbery. ANYTHING to SAVE a friendship!