Only a 48 hour period? Now taking Clomid...?

Ok, I have been charting my BBT, I know when I ovulated last month and my husband and I BD when we were suppose to. So I had 17 days of high temps, which 18 is when they say you can maybe be pregnant. So I started AF, I think, on the very early morning of July 5th (Like 3am). And AF stopped around 1030am yesterday. My doctor wanted me to come in to get bloodtests if there had been no bleeding. But there was so she said to go ahead and start with my 3rd round of clomid at 100mg on day 3 of my cycle which was yesterday. Is this all very weird? Could clomid just be screwing with my system?


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I have periods that last 1-2 days all the time. When I went on progesterone, I had a 5 day period and almost went to the doctor because I thought it was never going to end. I know it's not normal for you, but a 2 day period can be normal, so I wouldn't be alarmed about that since the medication is hormone-changing and almost always causes some kind of menstrual change. If you think the bleeding is extremely light or something, you might want to have an ultrasound to she if the clomid is affecting your uterine lining (Clomid can lower estrogen, leaving the uterus less primed to build lining during the luteal phase - you may need to add another medication or two if this is a problem for you or switch to Femara)..