Anyone heard of water therapy where you drink 1 to 1.5 liters of water first thing in the AM?

This is not the water cure it's water therapy.


It wasn't reccommended to me I was just doing research on staying hydrated and stumbled upon it.

thanks for reading


Favorite Answer

Yeah I've heard of it. Drinking more water certainly isn't bad for you, and it may cleanse like the proponents of water therapy claim, just be careful about drinking too much at once or it could lead to water intoxication, which can be fatal. (That's when your electrolyte balance gets off because of drinking too much fluid too quickly)


Drinking large amounts of water, contrary to popular belief, does not help you 'flush' out toxins.

You may urinate more frequently, but there are less toxins in your urine than there normally would be if you didn't drink so much.

1.5 liters is actually a lot of water to be downing all at once. Why was this 'therapy' recommended to you?