Would Forest Gump make a good VP for John McCain?

And is it true that McCain rejected him because Gump finished higher in their military academy graduating class?

It cost me ten points to post this, so have some fun with it!


Favorite Answer

Yes! Run Forrest, Run! For VP!
...Ten points I thought a question was worth 5

Loyd/Mary P2008-07-11T05:04:08Z

I believe that knowing Forest Gump was a movie , I think that this question is really a joke .
I would however like to toss in my two cents worth . I believe that Forest Gump or someone like him would make a great running mate for any president , I really do . If he ran with McCain , then he would be able to help out when called upon and you could bet that he would do everything in his power to make decisions based on this country being number one . Then if he ran with Obama , he might be able to bring some sanity to the whitehouse , because if obama gets elected and he probably will , then America is going down the tubes , because Obama has no clue what this country is all about . He wolud not even cover his heart and face the flag during the playing of our National Anthem .
And that's all I got to say about that


I would strongly prefer if he could get Jesse Ventura to run with him.


Stupid is as stupid does. That just earned me 2. You figure out who I talking about.


No, but maybe he could mentor you so some day you'll be half as smart as him.

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