Iran firing missiles and developing Nukes. How long will Israel wait to act?

Will they wait to see who the next American President will be?
Can they wait that long?
Will someone else step in?
If O'bama is elected will they feel forced to act before Bush leaves office?
Anybody else out there sense something major will happen in this regards in the next six months?


Ah, but you do not understand that the leader of Iran is not motivated by economic greed but by ideology.

Randy C2008-07-12T20:26:15Z

Favorite Answer

Israel has been on maneuvers to make war on Iran and this is a very small response by Iran which should tell people how stupid it will be to allow Israel and or the USA bomb Iran. Iran's missiles say only one thing, they can do a half *** job closing the Straights of Hormuz, and that mi amigo will stop the flow of 40% of the world's oil and will shoot the price of gasoline through the roof. Blogging for war makes as much sense as putting a pistol to one's head and pulling the trigger, and merely is proof the bad guys can manipulate people to do basically anything. The same guys who manipulated 911, gave Israel the nukes, which only Arabs complain, and are manipulating people to blog for war. What is really stupid about Israel nuking Iran is it will hurt the people of the world so badly they will demand Israel is Holocausted again, which again will be bad guy manipulated to give them an excuse to steal the money of Jewish people.

Richard V2008-07-13T02:20:24Z

If you are getting your information from the corporate media you're getting dupped AGAIN (remember 2002-03 "WMDs, WMDs in Iraq"..."Mushroom Cloud")...last December a National Intelligence Estimate on Iran was released by 16 Intelligence agencies that determined Iran has NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS PROGRAM. The International Atomic Energy Agency came to the same conclusion. Iran is making civilian use uranium enriched in the 5% range, not in the 85% range needed for Weapons.
The NY Times, Wash. Post, CNN, ABC, Fox News conveniently forgets this as they want to continue to have access to the Bush Administration Lies. What's really maddening is the majority of the Democrat Party is funded by AIPAC and is poised to vote for bills (HR 362 and Sen. Bill 580) which will in effect install a U.S. military blockade against Iran. This would be against International Law and be an Act of War.

stay informed by checking out the websites below:


This is all a game to help derail the U.S. economy by oil speculators. If you look back a few years, nearly every conceivable threat by another country in the middle east has resulted in the price of oil going up and then nothing happens with the threat. Or the threat does not turn out to be as bad as first thought. But the price of oil still went up and up and up and has never seriously come down to a manageble level. All of these politicians know that to push that button will result in the destruction of the world with no customers to buy anything like weapons, oil, land, or products made by the lands because there will be no one left to make them.......