wow! big problem! please help!?

so i was on my brothers laptop yesterday, and looking in his files cuz i have a few folders of my stuff on there, and there were 2 videos. like pornish i think. i didnt watch them (gross) but they were labled sex, and the beginning frame was of scantialy clad women. i was like whoa. then i opened up internet xplorer, and he has like 5 home pages, and all of them were like porn sites, and like sex this sex that. LUCKILY i shut it down before they loaded, but that is what the tabs read.
so i am is serious shock. i NEVERR would have thought he would get into that. but the thing is, idk what to do. do i tell our parents? ( hes 18 and has his own house near to the college hes attending in the fall, 20 min away from me) or should i email him telling what i saw and ask him about it. or do i just ignore. ugh . i couldnt do that!! HELP!! thanks!!


Favorite Answer

He's 18 and legally an adult, plus he has his own home? What possible jurisdiction do your parents have?

You were the one snooping around on his laptop, so I'm afraid you're in the wrong.


Listen-it's not that big of a deal-Unless it was a porn site that involved animals or under age people, your brother sounds like an average 18 year old straight guy-(are you Mormon) I understand if you think it's gross, but as long as your brother doesn't lock himself in his room for days on end glued to the screen, it's all good- He's 18, he can watch alittle porn and not be considered a FREAK for it-It's really not you -or your parents business what he does involving his private time-So I would keep it to myself-But-thats just me-

James C2008-07-13T16:56:54Z

In the future do not SNOOP and be a nosey sister. .Be a tattle tale too, children like to be patted on the back.
He is an adult and on his own. You have a very long way to go!


STOP snooping!..... I wouldn't say anything to your parents or to him. I would send him a website about porn addiction.... But I would never speak about it unless he comes to you. If he approaches you never go into detail about what you saw because it may embarrass him and it may harm you relationship with him. If he does approach you tell him that porn is addicting and not Godly. Then stop snooping.


It is probably too soon to tell... Wait until you are supposed to get your period, and if you don't, take a test or go to the doctors. I would probably go to the doctors anyway, it could be something worse.

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