Favorite Answer
Ever heard of the saying two wrongs dont make a right? Well thats bullshit! It all depends on the situation. Sometimes you have to let people taste their own medicine. Teach them a lesson.
No. Never get mad, honey. GET EVERYTHING! (Ivana Trump coined that by now famous phrase, and woman, was she ever right!
I once had a mean-spirited boss. He said I would never make more than so much per year and if I touched the computer, I could break it.
That was 30 years ago.
Today, I am a UNIX sys admin and make probably 8 or 9 times what he is today.
I did not get mad. I got going.
That, and it's never good to be mean back - it only lowers you to THEIR level. People respect you alot more if they see you making yourself stronger, when what they really expected was that you would lash out.
Do you think you are worth knowing? Would you enjoy having a friend like you? If the answer to these are yes then turning your back to them and walking away is probably the best way to make them feel regret because they no longer will have you in their life. Can you think of a better way to "get even?" I can't
PS However if you decide not to handle it this way always remember "revenge is a dish best served cold"
Not usually. It depends on how wrong the wrong was. I prefer to ignore them and erase them from my life.
Depends what the wrong was.