Baby shower gift ideas??

I am going to a baby shower on sunday, it is a friend of my sisters and i dont know the girl very well but i was invited. I dont wanna spend a whole lot of money on a gift so i was wondering what i should get that would be nice and inexpensive =]

Any ideas would be very helpful, thanks!


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They have gift set at walmart and target for like $10 to $15 that have baby wash stuff in them. Or a package of diapers with a cute outfit. Clothes are always good and some cute baby toys. Check out the baby section at Walmart or Target.


diapers -start with size 1 (NB may be too small for a chunky baby and only last a couple weeks) gifts card to Walmart or Target (generally a superstore) that have a baby motif printed on it, not a gift card from a specialty store like BabiesRUS - for one, there's only one store in my town (15 miles across town), and prices are expensive, even on sale (30% off of a $10 jumpsuit is still an expensive $7 one, I can easily buy for cheaper elsewhere), and third reason, if the parents have alrady stocked up on baby item and don't need anything , they can use the card for groceries. I am a very careful with my baby items budget as they grow so fast, and I always buy for next year (s) on sale/clearance at the end of the season. So, I REALLY appreciate when I get the receipt along with an item I don't need so I can return it.


Well if you wanna go inexpensive-get a pack of burp cloths and a few boxes of wipes. These are MUCH needed and you won't break your bank..I just had a baby and I go thru burp cloths and wipes like they're going out of style! Also-diapers are a HUGE necessity..You can get a pack of Pampers Swaddlers size Newborn (40 ct) which I prefer, for about 10 bucks..Either way-she'll appreciate that needed stuff alot more than clothes that her baby might not even get to wear because it got so many! (Trust me) Hope this helps!! :)


Does she have a registry? That would be the easiest way to pick something that's inexpensive, but you know she would like because its on her list.

Otherwise I would say a cute outfit - Target, Walmart, JCPenney, and Beall's have really cute clothes. Or bath/diaper changing supplies - powder, shampoo, lotion, wipes, etc.

Or you and your sister could buy a gift together since she knows her better :)

Ashley <32008-07-31T12:03:01Z

Target it where i get my babies things they have really cute outfits for like 3-5 dollars!!

And if thats still to much got to the dollar store and get little lotions and bath gel and buy some pretty wrapping paper and some wrippon and make a little gift basket :D
good luck

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