This is 1 vote per sign in ... 158,800 votes McCain-64�01,873-Leads in every state Obama-36�6,911-Gets the lead in a state, but then loses it again.
Shocking?! Who has Gallup Poll been calling?????!!
That's supposed to be McCain 64percent 101,873 Obama 36percent 56,911
Monday morning: 262,300 votes, still 64%-36%
NAnZI pELOZI's Forced Social2008-08-01T13:52:13Z
Favorite Answer
Nobody ever calls me, except the bill collecters, salesmen, scammers and my wife's dog's vet (for her bi-annual appointment.) Never no YAHOO or GALLUP. Is Gallup really in New Mexico?
you've some mind's eye about how polls are performed or would in case you quite believed that. you're basically attempting to plant an theory in peoples heads. maximum polls, good polls, do prepare Obama ahead. does not propose he will be in November, yet does prepare that human beings at the moment are very unhappy with what the Republicans have executed those very previous few years. As for the AOL straw poll, actually the most technically illiterate difficulty with that Edsel and McCain has admitted himself that he's one in each of them.
Yes, I have seen it now. Thanks for alerting me. I think it's what pollsters do, but it doesn't elect a president, just allows the media something to print/show/talk about.