Automatic Vs Manual

Hi I've asked this question before but didnt get much answers.

Just woundering what you prefere, manual or automatic transmission and why.

Thanx! Bianca X


Favorite Answer

This is an age old question that kind of depends on the driver. If you like to feel connected to the road, then Manual transmissions are more fun to drive and you can feel the car more.

An automatic transmission is easier to deal with, but gets worse gas mileage and sometimes doesn't do what you want to do.

Personally, manumatic transmissions are far superior to all. They are automatic transmissions with a manual shift option, for those who want it. If you can get a car with a manumatic transmission, then go for it. It's a good blend of the two.


I like my manual, but I live in the country.
If I had to sit in traffic everyday it would get annoying.
Manual does get slighty better gas milage.
In modern cars many automatics are actually faster than manuals.
Once you get used to manual it is alot more fun.


Automatic for an every day driver, sometimes its a hassle to change gears in heavy traffic, but it does become natural. For some old beater manual shifts are fun though.........


Either. As long as it works.

I was a diehard manual trans type, but stop and go traffic in H-town as well as various knee and back ailments brought me to reality.

Cruise control is a Godsend when my knee flares up.


I prefer automatic, because alot of my driving is done in heavy traffic/the city.

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