Does smoke really make mosquitoes stay away?

Does smoke keep mosquitoes away? If yes, why do they not like smoke?


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Smoke will keep mosquitos away if there is a repellent in the smoke. Mosquitos find their meal by the CO2 released during respiration, so a regular campire releases CO2 which may attract mosquitos, although I'm not sure if CO or other compounds released during combustion have a repelling effect. I have personally noticed no difference in mosquito bites with or without a campfire.




Mosquito Smoke Repellent


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Does smoke really make mosquitoes stay away?
Does smoke keep mosquitoes away? If yes, why do they not like smoke?


Back home in Hawaii we used green "mosquito coils" also called "punks" which slowly burned and created wisps of smoke which seemed to keep mosquitos away. They only produced a little smoke, it didn't fill up the whole room or anything.

Why the smoke keeps mosquitos away is something I do not know. Perhaps their respiratory system is sensitive, because they are also repelled by the stinky lotion you can put on your skin.

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