Abortion is good or not?

Under 3 months - 1st trimester - no penalty

2nd Trimester - 5 tier punishment
1) 1st time - $5K fine
2) 2nd time - 1 year in jail
3) 3rd time - 5 years imprisionment (or 5-10 years)
4) 4th time - 15 years imprisionment (or 10-20 years)
5) 5th time - Life without possibility of parole

After 6 months - same punishment as a live baby or ATLEAST
1) 1st offense - 20 years (or 15-30 years)
2) 2nd offense - life without parole

McCain supposedly wants to dramatically ease the process of adoption and that's a great thing as there are 148 million orphans in the world (probably less than 30 million in the developed world).
1 hour ago - 3 days left to answer.


The reason for this suggestion is to eliminate chronic aborters. Also, I think that Jessica's Law has been great so creating a criminal class can indeed help.


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The way women get abortions, this would have a lot of them in jail. There was this girl, we knew years ago in High School, she had something like 8!!!! She then bit**** and moaned, when she got married later on in life, when she could not have any children. Idiot does not realize what it does to your body.

Sounds good though, your plan, I'm totally against abortion.

Edit: I'm not Republican, in case anyone is wondering. I just feel it's wrong to abort a child, unless there is a valid reason, like rape, being born with a defect or incest. Anything else, like, they just didn't "want" the baby, that's not a good reason, but yes, it's still their choice, or it should be.

Randell Longbeach2008-08-18T16:40:19Z

Reality says the living before the non living, those who have responibility and those who dont, fetesus are the dont have yet. ( I read that somewhere). it makes sense, have an unfit mother care for a child to many problems for every one .
In a perfect world i would ban it. Educate, educate but we live in a world of free will let the woman decide what is a man even if Presidents have anything to do with this. let the woman decide some can live with the decision some suffer. lets stop it free chioce


Good. Proposal: Considering the rampant greed, sadism, violence, ignorance, fear, intolerance and hatred exhibited by the political, corporate, religious and social powers that be not to mention the majority of the human species, I would humbly recommend mandatory abortions (in all trimesters) world wide for at least the next 20 years.


I don't see any reason why law should play any kind of role in a persons decision to have a baby or not. If it was against the law to NOT have a baby, the streets would literally be full of kids with no homes who have to steal everything they need and who will never get a proper education. Think of how different society would be if every time a hooker or a crackhead gets pregnant they end up having to keep the baby because it's against the law not to. What is that kid going to do with his/her life? If laws were in place to keep abortion from happening, it would lead to much worse and much more crime than the "crime" of not having a baby.


I don't think that one can solve a social issues by creating a new criminal class. Not to mention, there is no need for government to wage war against women's medical issues, at all. Such would not only be costly, but highly oppressive and repugnant.

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