What exactly is factually incorrect in the AP fact-check article?


not looking for "liberal bias" as a response. "liberal bias" does not make any of the fact checks false. and btw, associated press, one of the oldest, largest, and most well-respected wire services wrote this article. not yahoo news.


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I didn't find anything wrong with this at all:

FactCheck: The fuller story in Denver By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press Writer
Thu Aug 28, 12:10 AM ET

DENVER - Sen. Barack Obama's formal nomination Wednesday as the Democratic candidate for president brought with it praise for Obama and a barrage of renewed attacks on his Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain. Some were on point, others missed the mark.


Some examples:

VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE SEN. JOE BIDEN of DELAWARE: "Barack Obama will bring down health care costs by $2,500 for the typical family, and, at long last, deliver affordable, accessible health care for all Americans."

THE FACTS: Obama's health care plan does not provide for universal health care coverage. He promises to make it affordable and would require children to be covered, but not adults. Estimates of how many would remain without insurance vary. Hillary Rodham Clinton said during the primaries that Obama's plan would leave 15 million people uninsured.

FORMER PRESIDENT CLINTON: The Bush administration "took us from record surpluses to an exploding national debt; from over 22 million new jobs an increase in working family incomes of $7,500 to a decline of more than $2,000; from almost 8 million Americans moving out of poverty to more than 5 and half million falling into poverty — and million more losing their health insurance."

THE FACTS: Clinton, helped by a decade-long economic expansion, recorded four straight years of budget surpluses. They ended in 2001, whittled away by a recession that started that year, and the cost of fighting terrorism after 9/11 and President Bush's tax cuts. Bush has recorded some of the highest deficits in history in dollar terms including a record $413 billion imbalance in 2004.

The Census Bureau reported this week that median household income grew by 1.3 percent last year to $50,233, the third straight annual increase. It still fell short of the previous peak, reached in 2000, when inflation is included. The bureau said the number of families living below the official poverty threshold last year was 12.5 percent, not statistically different from 2006. But the latest report covered 2007 before the current economic slowdown had begun to take its toll.

BIDEN: "Because Barack made that choice, 150,000 more children and parents have health care in Illinois. He fought to make that happen.

THE FACTS: Obama did none of this single-handedly, but as a member of the Illinois Senate. He helped expand an existing children's health insurance program. He also helped pass legislation to raise the income threshold for eligibility and make the temporary program permanent.

_SEN. JAY ROCKEFELLER of WEST VIRGINIA: "John McCain has served his country with honor. But his refusal to change course even in the face of the failed policies of Bush-Cheney is reckless and will not keep us safe."

THE FACTS: After the U.S. led the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, McCain initially said he had no doubt U.S. forces would be "welcomed as liberators" in Baghdad. But McCain changed his mind after visiting the Iraqi capital later that year. Back in Washington, he began calling on the Bush administration to send more troops to beat back an insurgency that was responsible for spiraling violence. That put him at odds with the White House, most Republicans and military leaders. McCain's position jeopardized his presidential campaign, but he put on a brave face, telling audiences he'd "rather lose an election than lose a war."

In January 2007, Bush announced he was sending 20,000 more troops to Iraq. They have been credited with helping improve security in Iraq.

_FORMER SECRETARY of STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: "Sen. McCain says that American troops should remain in Iraq perhaps as long as they have been stationed in Korea and Japan, as if there were no difference in history, religion or culture between our friends in Asia and those in the Middle East."

THE FACTS: Democrats have made much of McCain's "100 years" comment at a town-hall meeting earlier this year in New Hampshire. It was in response to a questioner who had challenged him about President Bush's view that U.S. troops could be in Iraq for 50 years.

"Maybe a hundred," McCain said. "We've been in South Korea. We've been in Japan for 60 years. We've been in South Korea for 50 years or so. That'd be fine with me as long as Americans, as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed. Then it's fine with me. I hope it would be fine with you if we maintain a presence in a very volatile part of the world where al-Qaida is training, recruiting and equipping and motivating people every single day."

McCain also has said he envisions victory in Iraq and the return of most U.S. troops by January 2013 — the end of his first term if elected. He also says withdrawal should be based on security conditions in Iraq, not hard deadlines.



This is simply an example of a way of presenting the same alleged facts in such a way as to support ones agenda - in both the article and the speeches.
For example, Alaska is the largest state in the Union as stated in the speech - but the rebuttal was that is only the forty-seventh largest in population.
Detailed analysis of the tax plans - but no mention in the article of the consequences and REAL tax increases due to raising corporate and business taxes will have on the individual, middle class worker.

The bottom line? When I listen to a speech from either the DNC or the RNC - I KNOW they will be biased. When I look to the main stream media for NEWS, I don't want to see an op-column.


It's misleading because it accepts Obama's word he'll only raise taxes on the super rich, when everyone knows that's a lie and not possible.

It's misleading because Huckabee was telling a joke, not trying to be factual.

It's misleading because Palin rejected the bridge-to-nowhere when the price tag was too high, as a governor should. Before she was governor, that bridge was none of her business. After she became governor, it was.

It's misleading because a mayor is supposed to get federal money to her town. If not, that's malfeasance if communities around them get money.

It's misleading because Palin did tax Big Oil, and gave it back to the people.

It's misleading because Palin's role as Alaskan governor is more in charge of Alaskan oil than the Texas Governor.

It's misleading because the only time Obama reached across the aisle to work with Republicans was to support popular legislation. He has ZERO legislation dealing with anything controversial.

Obama has written two more memoirs than important legislation

It total, the article is more an Obama talking points piece. And the AP is just as biased toward Obama as the NYTimes and MSNBC.


Well it's simple, ma'am. I'll go piece by piece.

You can veto wasteful spending without vetoing ALL spending. If I veto 1 piece of wasteful spending, then guess what, I have vetoed wasteful spending; therefore, I'm not lying.

The issue about Obama and his bills/reform. Let me quote Palin "this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or reform — not even in the state senate.". Even the rebuttal by Yahoo defends her statement. She said he has not "AUTHORED" anything, and that is true. Just because he has collaberated with other people, who actually wrote the bills/reforms, doesn't mean they are his ideas or his penmenship. So, again, she didn't lie.

The issue of raising taxes. The article doesn't even attempt to prove that as untrue. It just counters it with McCain's tax plan and infact lists all the exact ways Obama plans to take your money.

Her being responsible for the state in which 20% of our energy comes. The rebuttal by the article is weak. It only touches her states exports of crude oil, as if that is the only type of energy this country uses. Last time I checked coal is more widespread.

McCain said she is in charge of Alaska's National Guard. The first wordsin the article calling him a liar, "governors are in charge of their state guard units..".

And finally, the part about changing from liberal to conservative Washington. The bottom line, and the article states this, is that the congress, who's approval rating is lower then Bush's, is ran by liberals. There is no way to argue that fact.

Mrs. Palin is a honest and intelligent women. She and the other republicans actually have plans that they have laid out, as oppossed to Obama who hasn't laid out any plans. Empty suit.


Elvis was actually shot by the Beatles at a Monkees concert during an air guitar solo.

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