how many 1st prgnancys actualy giv birth earlier thn the due date, isit tru 1st pregnancys tend to b overdue?

ive heard in the US 12% (1 in 8) give birth earlier than there due date? that sounds quite high, but is this mostly people with second+ pregnancies as ive heard first pregnances tend to go overdue? is that true? or isit completely random

i live in UK isit the same here?

any stats or personal experiences would be greatly thankful for =)

silly nilly2008-09-07T11:36:01Z

Favorite Answer

a harvard study showed that the average pregnancy (regardless of if it is first or fifty) lasts 41 weeks and 1 day. there are people who go early and people who are always late. i think it has less to do with the number of pregnancies and more to do with the mother and baby.


Personally I think it depends more on the women's body and the baby.

My mom went 3 weeks overdue with me (no I'm not joking). Two weeks overdue with my brother and wasn't given a due date with my sister. She was just told between the middle of Oct to the middle of Nov (she came Nov 1).

My oldest came at 38 weeks 2 days. My sister's first came at 38 weeks 4 days. Her 2nd was born 2 days overdue and her last came 4 weeks early.

Oldest son Dylan (4), 25 weeks 6 days with Daniel


Don't know about averages, but my mum gave birth early to all four of us - two weeks early for firstborn (me). So just because it's a first-time, doesn't mean it will be overdue or vice versa - I think it depends a lot on the pregnancy. the rarest is when a women gives birth on her exact due date, it's usually either early or late.

Amelia and Adam's mommy2008-09-07T11:37:17Z

With my first pregnancy I was due on April 7th and gave birth on March 29th. So I was 10 days early. I think every pregnancy is different so you just don't know when for sure. This time I am due December 24th, I am hoping I go early again.


my 1st baby came 3 weeks early
2nd 10 days late
3rd 7 days late
4th on time
5th 2 weeks early!

i kinda go on baby will come when baby is ready! some like tocome early some just get so dam comfortable they refuse to budge!

so in my case its just very random like most pregnancies all births can be very different for many different reasons

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