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123456? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Moms & Mommies to be - Just for fun Answer the Questions about YOUR pregnancy?

First let me start by saying congrats to ALL moms, moms to be and especially those first time moms! Have fun with this question, think of it as one of those fill in the blank emails that go around but for pregnant woman :) PS these answers may help many woman with these same questions!

1. When did you find out you were pregnant? And what’s your due Date?

2. When did you tell people?

3. Describe your feelings when you first saw the positive HPT.

4. What first trimester pregnancy symptoms did you have if any?

5. What first change in your body did you notice during pregnancy? Which trimester did this change happen?

6. Is this your first pregnancy?

7. How many children do you have now and how many do you intend on having down the road?

8. How old are you (Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just pick an age group ie: 20-25, 25-30 etc.)

9. What comments have people made about your pregnancy that have really upset or annoyed you?

10. What comments have people made about your pregnancy which made you really happy?

11. Do you intend on having a natural birth or using pain relief? (Of course this may change come time to delivery, but just for now… where do you stand?)

12. Do you plan on being a stay at home mom postpartum, or do you plan to return to work shortly after?

13. When did you belly pop and you became obviously pregnant?… if not there yet, just put N/A.

14. If you have started shopping for your baby, what was the first thing you bought?

15. Did or are you finding out the sex of your baby?

16. When you first found out you were pregnant, did you hope for 1 sex over the other?

17. Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby when born?

18. Have you decided on a name(s) for your baby?

19. What advice would you give to woman TTC or first time moms to be?

20. Did you enjoy my question? If so, please star my question!!!

20 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    1.When did you find out you were pregnant? And what’s your due Date?- Found out when I was 4 weeks pregnant (1-2 by the clearblue digi test) and my due date was 20th Feb 2010 (ended up being 4 days overdue)

    2.When did you tell people?- I told people straight away because I was so excited!

    3.Describe your feelings when you first saw the positive HPT.- My first HPT was an internet cheapie which I thought was a negative, I threw it in the bin after 3 minutes. A few hours later I looked at the packed instructions and it was a 5 minute test, so even though you shouldn't I got it out of the bin and there was a very light positive. I then took 6 more one after the other and timed the 5 minutes exactly and they all had a faint positive. Was a bit excited but didn't believe it until I took a digi test the next morning! It was the longest time ever waiting for the test to develop! I was so happy to see the words pregnant that I wanted to ring everyone I knew right away, even though it was 6am hehe!

    4.What first trimester pregnancy symptoms did you have if any?- I didn't have any symptoms really, just one whole day of sickness and that was it!

    5.What first change in your body did you notice during pregnancy? Which trimester did this change happen?- Sore boobs at around 6 weeks pregnant.

    6.Is this your first pregnancy?- Yes

    7.How many children do you have now and how many do you intend on having down the road?- It was my first baby, I will have at least one more, I wouldn't mind having 3 altogether but probably no more than that.

    8.How old are you (Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just pick an age group ie: 20-25, 25-30 etc.)- I was 20 when I got pregnant, I turned 21 when I was 20 weeks pregnant.

    9.What comments have people made about your pregnancy that have really upset or annoyed you?- One of my friends was turning 21 and she created an even on Facebook for her birthday and invited all our friends except me. I asked why I was not invited and she said that she said " I didn;t bother inviting you because your pregnant so you wouldn't be able to come anyway" umm, just because Im pregnant does not mean I cant have a social life. It really upset me and certain friends continued to arrange evenings out in front of me and not even bother to invite me! It was very frustrating, but I learnt who my real friends are during my pregnancy and now that my baby is born!

    10.What comments have people made about your pregnancy which made you really happy?-My good friends telling me how I will make an amazing mum when I was in a panic! I also had a friend that was so truly happy for me and even though there weren't any specific comments but she always made me feel so good about being pregnant and becoming a mum!

    11.Do you intend on having a natural birth or using pain relief? (Of course this may change come time to delivery, but just for now… where do you stand?)- I did plan on having a natural birth and it is exactly what I got! My birth when exactly to plan and I loved it!

    12.Do you plan on being a stay at home mom postpartum, or do you plan to return to work shortly after?- My get paid maternity leave for 39 weeks. I will be going back as soon as it ends in November, however I have been into works a few times to help out. I really miss working because I love my job! Although being a mum is a much better job! Hehe!

    13.When did you belly pop and you became obviously pregnant?… if not there yet, just put N/A.- I didn't really "pop" until 27/28 weeks! I kept waiting and waiting for the bump, I was so worried people though I was just fat! I knew I had finally popped when people started asking about the baby etc.

    14.If you have started shopping for your baby, what was the first thing you bought?- The first thing I bought was a moses basket, I got it not long after I found out I was pregnant. The only reason I got it so early is because it was an absolute bargain! Im also not superstitions!

    15.Did or are you finding out the sex of your baby?- I wanted to find out and my husband didn't! But I got my way, as I am so impatient that I had to know! We were having a girl!

    16.When you first found out you were pregnant, did you hope for 1 sex over the other?- I did want a girl, although I would have been happy either way I was swaying towards a girl!

    17.Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby when born?- I was adamant I was going to BF and I refused to buy any bottles or formula when getting all of the babies things ready. However, I didn't anticipate how difficult it was going to be and when Karyad was born I had a lot of difficulty. Long story short, after two days in hospital trying to get it right I gave her a bottle of formula, it broke my heart. When I went home I expressed on demand for 2 weeks, not long after 2 weeks my supply started to slow down and eventually dissapeared. Whenever I get upset about her having formula I always remind myself that she had breastmilk for two week

    Source(s): even though it was from a bottle so it was better than no breastmilk at all! 18. Have you decided on a name(s) for your baby?- I had my girls name picked out even before I met my husband, moved in, got married and even decided TTC! Im from South Wales in the UK, so the first language used to be Welsh and cariad means "my love" in welsh. I wanted to make it a bit different though, so I changed the C to a K and the I to a Y and got Karyad! :) 19. What advice would you give to woman TTC or first time moms to be?- The best advice for all TTC ladies is relax and trying not to become consumed in TTC! Easier said than done I know, but as soon as I chilled out, stoped charting and stopped making BD'ing a chore, we conceived the first month of taking a break! :) 20. Did you enjoy my question? If so, please star my question!!!-- 1 star for you! :)
  • 1. When did you find out you were pregnant? And what’s your due Date? June 12 2009// February 23 2010

    2. When did you tell people?My husband and mom right away and other people a couple weeks later

    3. Describe your feelings when you first saw the positive HPT. I dont think words can say how amazing it felt

    4. What first trimester pregnancy symptoms did you have if any? I was always so hungry and I had morning sickness bad!

    5. What first change in your body did you notice during pregnancy? Which trimester did this change happen? I'm thinking my nipples changed in color but it was almost a year ago so its hard to recall.. and I think around the end of the first trimester

    6. Is this your first pregnancy? 2nd but first full term

    7. How many children do you have now and how many do you intend on having down the road? I have one daughter and I want 2 more

    8. How old are you (Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just pick an age group ie: 20-25, 25-30 etc.) I'm 19

    9. What comments have people made about your pregnancy that have really upset or annoyed you? That I was too young. What ever

    10. What comments have people made about your pregnancy which made you really happy?That they were happy that I was able to carry

    11. Do you intend on having a natural birth or using pain relief? (Of course this may change come time to delivery, but just for now… where do you stand?) I wanted natural

    12. Do you plan on being a stay at home mom postpartum, or do you plan to return to work shortly after? I am mostly stay at home I work 2 days a week because we just bought a house and I am trying to help. After a while I will be full time stay at home mommy and wife

    13. When did you belly pop and you became obviously pregnant?… if not there yet, just put N/A. I'm going to say around 15 16 weeks. So like 4 months

    14. If you have started shopping for your baby, what was the first thing you bought? Well my baby is almost 3 months lol. So yes I have shopped for her

    15. Did or are you finding out the sex of your baby? I did

    16. When you first found out you were pregnant, did you hope for 1 sex over the other? A girl lol

    17. Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby when born?Breast feeding and I am

    18. Have you decided on a name(s) for your baby? Her name is Ava

    19. What advice would you give to woman TTC or first time moms to be? Its hard and you just need patience

    20. Did you enjoy my question? If so, please star my question!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. When did you find out you were pregnant? November 30 And what’s your due Date? July 30

    2. When did you tell people? immediate family right away, then they told the people they thought they HAD to tell and it went like that so on and so forth LOL

    3. Describe your feelings when you first saw the positive HPT. nauseated and shock LOL but not from being unhappy

    4. What first trimester pregnancy symptoms did you have if any? Tired, sick, and kind of mean LOL

    5. What first change in your body did you notice during pregnancy? around 12 weeks I could see my tummy rounding but it wasn't noticeable to anyone else Which trimester did this change happen? end of 1st

    6. Is this your first pregnancy? no, 3rd

    7. How many children do you have now and how many do you intend on having down the road? I have 2 boys 10 and 8 and this girl will be my last.

    8. How old are you (Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just pick an age group ie: 20-25, 25-30 etc.) 30

    9. What comments have people made about your pregnancy that have really upset or annoyed you? You're tiny!...believe me I started at 103 lbs so this is not tiny FOR ME I've already gained 20 and still have 9 weeks to go

    10. What comments have people made about your pregnancy which made you really happy? She's a lucky little girl :)

    11. Do you intend on having a natural birth or using pain relief? (Of course this may change come time to delivery, but just for now… where do you stand?) I have to have c section because my babies are breech :(

    12. Do you plan on being a stay at home mom postpartum, or do you plan to return to work shortly after? Stay at home paying for child care for 3 kids is ridiculous but will eventually come back to work.

    13. When did you belly pop and you became obviously pregnant?… if not there yet, just put N/A. 5 months is when it stopped being questionable to other people LOL

    14. If you have started shopping for your baby, what was the first thing you bought? A car was a spontaneous purchase because I got it at a really good price :)

    15. Did or are you finding out the sex of your baby? It's a girl!

    16. When you first found out you were pregnant, did you hope for 1 sex over the other? Never. Strange because I have 2 boys already but I would have welcomed another.

    17. Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby when born? Going to try to breast feed

    18. Have you decided on a name(s) for your baby? Olivia Grace aka Livi Grace ;)

    19. What advice would you give to woman TTC or first time moms to be? TTC...relax, God has a plan. First timers, hold on tight it's like a rollercoaster :)

    20. Did you enjoy my question? If so, please star my question!!! Sure

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. When did you find out you were pregnant? And what’s your due Date? NOVEMBER 18TH, DUE JULY 31ST 2010

    2. When did you tell people? THE DAY I FOUND OUT. I WASNT EVEN 3 WEEKS YET

    3. Describe your feelings when you first saw the positive HPT. NO WAY!!! IT HAPPENED THIS FAST???

    4. What first trimester pregnancy symptoms did you have if any? I THREW UP ALL THE TIME, I LOST 20 LBS IN MY 1ST TRIMESTER

    5. What first change in your body did you notice during pregnancy? Which trimester did this change happen? I WAS REALLY EMOTIONAL!! IN THE 2ND TRIMESTER

    6. Is this your first pregnancy? YES

    7. How many children do you have now and how many do you intend on having down the road? THS IS THE 1ST AND PROBALY THE LAST, HAD A REALLY BAD PREGNANCY

    8. How old are you (Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just pick an age group ie: 20-25, 25-30 etc.) 26 IN A FEW DAYS

    9. What comments have people made about your pregnancy that have really upset or annoyed you?


    10. What comments have people made about your pregnancy which made you really happy?

    11. Do you intend on having a natural birth or using pain relief? (Of course this may change come time to delivery, but just for now… where do you stand?) IM SO HAVING A EPIDURAL!!!

    12. Do you plan on being a stay at home mom postpartum, or do you plan to return to work shortly after? I WILL BE A STAY AT HOME MOTHER FOR A WHILE. I AM ALSO IN COLLEGE GETTING MY DEGREE

    13. When did you belly pop and you became obviously pregnant?… if not there yet, just put N/A. WELL EVERYONE SAYS IT HAPPENED A FEW WEEKS AGO. I'M 29 WEEKS NOW, I JUST FEEL EXTRA FAT

    14. If you have started shopping for your baby, what was the first thing you bought? SHE GOT A PINK DRESS TO WEAR HOME FROM THE HOSPITAL

    15. Did or are you finding out the sex of your baby? YES ITS A GIRL

    16. When you first found out you were pregnant, did you hope for 1 sex over the other? YES I WANTED A GIRL SO BAD!! AND WE ARE HAVING A GIRL.

    17. Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby when born? BREAST FEED ONLY. I PLAN TO PUMP SOME AS WELL, THAT WAY DADDY CAN STILL HELP FEED AT NIGHTS WHEN HE WANTS TO

    18. Have you decided on a name(s) for your baby? RAEGAN DANIKA. NICKNAMES ARE RA RA AND JUST RAE. MY BEST FRIEND CALLS HER SPEED RACER


    20. Did you enjoy my question? If so, please star my question!!! YUP

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  • 1 decade ago

    1. When did you find out you were pregnant? And what’s your due Date?

    ♥ I knew within days of conception, first positive test was on July 29, 2010. Due date was April 7, 2010.

    2. When did you tell people?

    ♥ I told my little sister way before I got an actual positive, I was 6 weeks when I told everyone else.

    3. Describe your feelings when you first saw the positive HPT.

    ♥ I was excited & scared!! I ran & woke my then bf, now husband!

    4. What first trimester pregnancy symptoms did you have if any?

    ♥ MORNING SICKNESS!!! I had sore breasts as well.

    5. What first change in your body did you notice during pregnancy? Which trimester did this change happen?

    ♥ I'd have to say my breast & that was in the first trimester!

    6. Is this your first pregnancy?

    ♥ Yes.

    7. How many children do you have now and how many do you intend on having down the road?

    ♥ One now, I really wanted 2 kids total, but after this traumatic labor I am not sure I can do it again!

    8. How old are you (Or if you don’t feel comfortable sharing, just pick an age group ie: 20-25, 25-30 etc.)

    ♥ I was 24 when I had him, just turned 25.

    9. What comments have people made about your pregnancy that have really upset or annoyed you?

    ♥ I was told constantly that I was fat, & that I had to have 2 babies in there. People would even tell me they thought I was too young to have a baby, but most thought I was 18.

    10. What comments have people made about your pregnancy which made you really happy?

    ♥ That I was "all baby" and that I wasn't huge!

    11. Do you intend on having a natural birth or using pain relief?

    ♥ I intend on having pain relief, but it did not exactly turn out that way, I was refused an epidural due to my prior back problems!

    12. Do you plan on being a stay at home mom postpartum, or do you plan to return to work shortly after?

    ♥ I planned on returning to work but since I work graveyard they will not give me another shift, so I am being FORCED to quit!

    13. When did you belly pop and you became obviously pregnant?

    ♥ I was around 18 weeks when I started to pop, 21 weeks I definitely looked very pregnant!

    14. If you have started shopping for your baby, what was the first thing you bought?

    ♥ I bought a couple onesies before I even found out the sex.

    15. Did or are you finding out the sex of your baby?

    ♥ I found out it was a boy on December 1, 2009!

    16. When you first found out you were pregnant, did you hope for 1 sex over the other?

    ♥ Yes I really hoped for a girl but I was given a boy! I was slightly upset then, but now I wouldn't want it any different!

    17. Do you plan on breastfeeding or formula feeding the baby when born?

    ♥ I planned on breastfeeding, but I was unable, so now he is formula fed.

    18. Have you decided on a name(s) for your baby?

    ♥ We decided on Bryce Rylan, & it took us forever, just a few weeks before he was born to decide.

    19. What advice would you give to woman TTC or first time moms to be?

    ♥ Buy a TON of diapers while they are on SALE! I was given this advice but didn't listen. I wish I had! I did not realize how much they go through so fast!

    20. Did you enjoy my question?

    ♥ Yes I did!!! Thanks!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. I found out I was pregnant April 15 at 3:17pm. My due date is December 25, 2010.

    2. I still haven't told everybody. My parents knew the day after I took the test. my boyfriend knew right away (he left me the next day). My best friend was there when I got the phone call from the doctors office. Occasionally I'll be talking to someone at some random place and they'll be going on about how excited they are about their pregnancy and I'll share the news.

    3. Feelings... hmmm... the moment they told me, it felt like someone had punched me in the stomach as hard as they could. I couldn't breath. I fell to the ground and felt so alone.

    4. Very first was a missed period ;) after that it was morning sickness... ucky, UCKY morning sickness!

    5. The first change... well, I'm not that far along, but I've started to notice a little tiny bump where the baby is when I lay down, suck in my tummy, and feel for a baby. It's pretty cool, and I wasn't sure that's what it was, but when I went in the doc said it is :D I'm still in my first tri.

    6. Sure is!

    7. I have the tadpole and that's it. lol. maybe eventually I'll have a total of three, but we'll see how this pregnancy goes. ;)

    8. I am 16 years old! 7 wks 5 days pregnant; I don't regret my decision to keep my baby, but I wish I would have waited!

    9. Not too many people know, but occasionally someone will make a comment about how Im going to have a wellfare baby, or I should have kept my legs closed. stuff like that puts me over the top! if these people knew HALF of what they thought they did they would keep their mouths SHUT!

    10. That I'm going to be faced with challenges, but in the end I'm going to be a great mother.

    11. I'm planning on doing it natural. I figure if my momma could do it, I can do it!

    12. I have to go back to work :( Someone's gotta support baby, and I refuse to let it be the government!

    13. N/A... Can't wait for it though!

    14. I bought a little shirt that I hung in my locker at school that says, "I love my mommy!" and I taped a sonogram picture next to it.

    15. ABSOLUTELY!!!! counting the DAYS until that appointment!

    16.I can't decide if I was a boy or girl. lol.

    17. breastfeeding all the way! even going to work I've read that you can breast feed all night, and then the baby isn't hungry as much during the day.

    18. maybe Jedidiah or Gavin if it's a boy. If it's a girl I'll name her Jordan, Taylor, or Kayla... I think. lol. still deciding.

    19. I really don't have any... I wasn't trying to get pregnant, but it happened. I have no "techniques" lol.

    20. I did I did I did!

    Source(s): 16 years old and 7 wks 5 days pregnant. I don't regret my decision to keep my baby, but I wish I'd have waited.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. January 4th and due date is September 11th.

    2. When we found out. I'm not a patient person so I couldn't wait!

    3. I was thrilled and relieved. This is our second baby but we had been trying for almost a year to get pregnant at that point.

    4. Horrible morning sickness(like I did with my son), fatigue, and breast tenderness.

    5. Breast enlargement in my first trimester.

    6. No.

    7. We have a two year old already.

    8. 25.

    9. None so far.

    10. That I look good!

    11. I'm having a scheduled C-section since I had one with my son.

    12. I'm currently a SAHM with my son and will continue to be one once our daughter is here.

    13. I was showing some at 13 weeks with this one and had a belly by 16 weeks.

    14. Car seat, diapers, and wipes. Now that we know the gender we've bought some clothing as well.

    15. Yes, we're having a little girl this time around.

    16. I did not care this time, just wanted a healthy baby.

    17. Hopefully breastfeeding.

    18. Ava Grace.

    19. For TTC - relax and enjoy it. I know we can get so worked up and obsessive over the whole process but with both my pregnancies the minute I stopped focusing so much on TTC and started focusing more on enjoying my husband was when I wound up pregnant. For first timers - Cherish every single moment. They go by way too quickly!

    20. Yes. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. I found out that I was pregnant on February 15, 2010. My due date is October 19th, 2010.

    2. I told people right away! I was so excited!

    3. Excited, teary eyed, anxious, nervous.

    4. Very tired, eating more, sensitive to food smells, frequent urination.

    5. Breasts were sore and have gotten bigger (first and second trimester)

    6. This is my 2nd pregnancy, my first was a miscarriage.

    7. I have one baby in Heaven, the one growing in my tummy and I'd like 3-4.

    8. I'm 24.

    9. None

    10. Everyone is excited for me which makes me happy.

    11. Pain relief if needed.

    12. I'm a stay at home wife/Mommy.

    13. 7 weeks I noticed my belly getting larger/firmer.

    14. Nursery furniture.

    15. We find out Monday the sex of the baby.

    16. No, will be happy with either.

    17. Breastfeeding.

    18. Still in the process of deciding.

    19. Don't give up on TTC, it will happen!

    20. Yes!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. I found out I was pregnant on Feb 18, due date is Sept 29,2010

    2. Close friends I told right away, family and co-workers I waited until 2nd Trimester

    3. I took 2 HPT's and neither showed a positive, had to have blood work

    4. tender breasts, sensitive to smells, vivid dreams

    5. breasts were getting bigger even before I knew was pregnant

    6. no...I have a 16 year old daughter

    7. I have 1 and this pregnancy will probably be my last

    8. I am 37

    9. I have had a few friends that told me that I shouldn't start all over and I should terminate the pregnancy, I don't talk to them anymore

    10. That I don't look as big as I feel :)

    11. natural

    12. I will return to work about 8-10 weeks after she gets here

    13. I looked pregnant about 17 weeks, before then I just looked like I was getting fat

    14. 1st thing I bought was a baby book

    15. yes..we are having a girl

    16. no...I was just thrilled to be pregnant and that the baby was healthy, no preference

    17. breastfeeding

    18. Her name is Summer :-)

    19. enjoy it all, TTC is fun, I personally never experienced TTC, both mine were not planned but are such a blessing to me.


    Source(s): 2 wks w/#2
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. I found out Oct 31 (Halloween Day) Due date is July 14

    2. I told a couple of people right away. Family until I was 8 weeks and work until I was 15 weeks.

    3. I actually didn't see it. I felt like it was taking forever so I walked out of the restroom and made my husband go check. I was super excited since she was planned... I started crying

    4. tired... thats it.. I got no morning sickness

    5. my boobs got bigger. First trimester


    7. it all depends on this one but in my perfect world 3.

    8. 26

    9. That I gained alot of weight so far... and I know I haven't I'm under weight according to the dr.

    10. That I am tiny still =)

    11.I'm using pain relievers... But I may end up having a C-section... She's breeched... We'll know by next week if she finally turned =/

    12. I wish I could be a stay at home mom but sadly I will be returning to work.

    13. i like at about 6 1/2 months people knew for sure that I was pregnant and not just fat... LOL

    14. When I had my Ultrasound at 17 weeks, they told us it was a girl. I had to go out a buy something pink. I didn't know what so I bought a pack of pink socks =)

    15. I did I couldn't wait... Its a girl.

    16. No I was fine with whatever god gave me but I had a feeling it was a boy... I was WRONG

    17. I hope to breastfeed

    18.I think we have.. well sort of... I've settled with Alyssa Jade.

    19. Enjoy your pregnancy. Take it easy when you can and rest!

    20. Yes. I like talking about my pregnancy and everyone I know already knows my story =)

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