how do you feel after donating plasma vs. blood?

I've given blood a few times, and it almost never goes smoothly, I usually feel a bit hot near or at the very end, but I bounce back pretty quick and don't mind it much. I always prepare too, and have concluded that I'm just one of those types.

I've heard platelet donation is less taxing, but I haven't heard any comparisons to plasma.

I'm especially interested in donating plasma since I'm type AB, and it would seal the deal if it was 'nicer,' but I don't think I can handle it if it's 'worse.'


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Lol. The lab tech told me the last time I gave blood "you don't seem to tolerate this well...." as I passed out in the chair. I was sick the rest of the afternoon.

I've never donated plasma - the people at the blood bank really pushed it and that kinda turned me off...I just assumed that them saying "it's easier" was to get me to do it. My mom (a regular blood doner, Red Cross volenteer swears that it's painless and "easier." But then she never has a problem doanting blood :p


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