Has the "fire" gone out of your marriage after a few years?

I hear many people say that the "in love" feelings and sexual desire fizzle out in a few years, as a matter of course. I'm married almost 25 years and I haven't found that to be the case, and I was wondering what the norm is.

do people expect to not feel "in love" and feel lusty for one another after a few years?

The Black Leonidas2008-09-12T18:14:09Z

Favorite Answer

Your lucky me and my wife our like strangers


My man is my best friend
We keep the laughter going.. we share love & life
Sex is better now than ever
Give your sex life a makeover..learn to be creative
Look Good Ladies 24/7
You can dress up sweat pants,,put on a tee shirt that shows your twins (breasts)
Ladies, Maintain your beauty..loose that weight..stop walking around with that scarf on your head
A little makeup & perfume will entice anyone
Buy new underwear (sexy)
Listen, those Hanes bikini briefs are better than those 'granny draws"
Victoria secret is a good buy if you can afford it
You don't have to wear a thong..just get sexy
Watch those MTV & BET videos.. (learn a few dance moves) Shake your *** sometimes
Like regina Belle's song "Make it like it was"
know what's up (don' be a square)
Don't be so damn boring
sing around the house those old love songs from yesterday
slap him on his *** when he passes by & say OOh baby
I am married over 25 and it's FRESH
There are great expectations in the longevity of marriage


Congratulations - I envy you and your spouse. 25 years!!!

After several years in a relationship I'm lucky if I have a pilot light let alone a "fire."

I tend to tire of men (and they probably feel the same way about me) I like the excitement of something new every few years. If I ever do find someone that can keep me happy both physically and mentally I might just hang in there.

Sounds shallow I know but hey that's where I'm at right now.

Very Honest2008-09-12T17:53:00Z

Yes if they're not in love! So many couples don't even know what love is. They think they're in love, then they get married and the truth comes out. That's when the "fire" is gone.

I have been married for 10 years and I feel like we met yesterday. Nothing is better than a man and a woman in love and nothing could put out that fire! That's TRUE LOVE!


I've been married for just one year and I'm staring to feel the fizzle of sexual desire, but not of love.

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