I hear all the Democrats and Bush haters tell us that the world hates the USA. What countries of any importance hates the USA?
Please be specific
Iranian people like all things USA. Government does not. Vietnam relation with USA is normalizing. Afganistan? they would not have a country without USA. Russia? We have full diplomat relationship, improving trade Italy?
Where are the countries that Bush has created USA haters?
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Actually, if anyone had a brain and was aware of history, they'd know anti-Americanism was alive and well long before Bush became president. In fact, Bill Clinton himself when traveling to euroland was faced with some of the most hostile, violent anti-American riots to date. Anti-Americanism DID NOT begin with Bush and it won't end with him. People who honestly believe that are simply completely ignorant. Read something other than People magazine and you might learn something.
What makes the America such a great country is that America is unique , Americans are different that Europeans if it wouldn't be for America were would the free world be today , all the talk that people hate the United States is fine with me , because that tells me were doing our job to make sure terrorists and countries that are run by evil leaders like Iran and Syria will be kept at bay . What happened on September 11 , 2001 is just a warm up of what those terrorists have in mind for the free world . So what do I say about Barrack Obama is that sorry , but he doesn't pass the security check since his father wasn't born in the United States , he can not be trusted with the number one spot , we have to be out of our minds to elect such a person to be the Chief Executive Officer , So that Only leaves Mrs. Clinton as the sole choice for the Democrats
First of all, countries cannot hate, only people can. There are probably more people who hate America who are American than anyone on earth. All you have to do is read most the comments on yahoo answers to realize that. I suppose it comes from a combination of self-loathing and pathological narcissism. There are, however, a large number of South Koreans and Western Europeans who hate America and stereotype Americans in a grotesque fashion. There is evidence to suggest the more the United States has been integral in developing a nation's prosperity and democracy, the more ensuing generations grow to despise the United States; hence, why many young Western Europeans and South Koreans have hateful views of Americans. Also, the more competitive a nation is with the United States, the more likely it is to use anti-American stereotypes to its advantage. Actually polls show that Africans and Middle Easterners are very pro-American. When France invaded the Ivory Coast a few years ago to preserve its influence there, Africans took to the streets begging for American intervention. Opinion polls also show high pro-American rates in Eastern Europe and Vietnam. In Albania and Bosnia, pro-American sentiment rises to a level of almost idol worship. There are also islands in the South Pacific where religions have developed that portray the United States (Uncle Sam) as a god. They actually have alters draped in the US flag and wear US military uniforms during "worships."
Countries? A mountain in Scotland doesn't hate a river in Maine...
Do you mean states? Governments, with the exception of new revolutionary regimes, don't actually hate each other, they fight or compete or play unlovely games of chess with people's lives and livelihood. Those playing against the US include Russia and China as the premier league, and a host of smaller countries whose politicians haven't been bought by the US, which is the way the US empire works today. Other states sit out on the sidelines, but are worried by the US' imperialist foreign policy and bullying attempts to impose the American Way on others. These include Australia, Canada, NZ, South Africa, the Scandinavian countries, Holland, Ireland and Spain, Greece, Cuba, most smaller African countries, etc etc.
Your government has bought either the government or the entire political class of countries like Britain, France, Italy, Poland, Georgia, now Pakistan and others - but don't let that fool you into believing the people are for you - we are not.
Or do you mean peoples? If so, the short answer is that your government's bullying, bribing politicians, threatening and forcing the American Way on others makes the entire educated and non obscenely rich population of the world against you - and it will remain that way until you withdraw behind your frontiers - which still gives you plenty of space for the American Way - and stop trying to force yourselves on others.
China, Iran, North Korea. Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, and some other Middle Eastern countries. Russia possibly dislikes the US because Russia still has a distrust feeling for the U.S.