Does judging people make you feel better about yourself?
If you see someone ask about something stupid, or how to get out of a stupid thing or just think the way they said it was stupid...and post something smart assed on their question or laugh or what ever..
Do you feel better for it?
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I think it depends. I find that, hypocritical as it is, when I am in a bad mood or feeling angry or depressed about something, I am much quicker to judge people. I don't think consciously I do it to feel better but as you say this I think maybe subconsciously I do. When I do post something sarcastic it is not to make me feel better but more my personality and the way I can show this is not someone I take seriously. Of course, why I don't just ignore the question in the first place would be the real issue I suppose. Normally, I try not to judge people but I am not always successful.
I don't need to resort to such pettiness in order to feel better, I react to stupidity esp when it is willful. In that respect, yes I do feel better because hopefully they will learn from it and refrain from such juvenile behavior in the future.
no i don't have time to sit around and judge people i have better things to worry about than, what a person does or acts. unless the question is directed or concerns me, i don't get involved