Help. Can you re-bake an apple pie?

I baked an apple pie and let it cool like the recipe said and when i cut into it, it was all watery not set and the apples were still a little crunchy. Can I re-bake it? Will it make it better? ??? Help I made it from scratch and i really want to eat it.


Favorite Answer

No you shouldn't rebake it just reheat it in the microwave. Just cut a piece off that you want to eat only. You will dry it out if you rebake it.


Chris, answered your question very nicely.. She even made the point at how much time to set the oven too..

Nicely done !!

and I bet your apple pie is De-li-ci-ous .. Wish I could have some.. but I can't have any sugar...


you didn't put enough flour in with the apples.

if the apples are still crunchy, cook it for maybe another 20 minutes and then poke the apples and see if they are soft.

ya did fine.


Yes put it back in make sure u pre heat oven

Rottie Mom2008-09-15T19:40:01Z

Try rebaking it. It can't end up any worse than what it is now.