Do you think people change over time?

Some say that people remain "essentially" the same. Others say that they change over time (it could be gradual - or - a major event that shakes up a person's life and changes them drastically...) What do you think?

If you can, elaborate. Thanks =)


Favorite Answer

i didn't used to think so. i figured that by a certain age,i was pretty much the person that i was supposed to be.
then an event occured that literally changed who i was,to the core. it made me redefine who i was & what i valued,what i was willing to accept in my life.

i also think that,sparing a major life changing event,people can grow & discover things about themselves every day. from there,comes change.

hope that helps.


Do People Change Over Time


As long as you're growing, you're changing. It's when you stop growing, and you become stagnant and set in your ways that you have a real problem. I think a lot of people maintain a certain foundation of who they are, and they just build on that. Some go through extreme changes that effect that person so wholly that they shift their foundation and change their personality drastically. Others just keep becoming the person they are in a less noticable way, and seem to change very little, except to get older... but, in fact, they are changing, over time, and becoming a whole person... which it takes a lifetime to do!


I think everyone changes over time, but it depends on who the person is and what happens in their life. Some people change so drastically you hardly recognize them as the same, whereas other people change very little. But I would say that everyone definitely changes at least to some extent. Personally, I am a person that has changed very drastically.


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Do you think people change over time?
Some say that people remain "essentially" the same. Others say that they change over time (it could be gradual - or - a major event that shakes up a person's life and changes them drastically...) What do you think?

If you can, elaborate. Thanks =)

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