Do you know Obama's Policy on Financial Reform?

How many people have only heard Obama is about Hope and Change...all talk and no plans. Please read The attached

good guy2008-09-19T12:55:57Z

Favorite Answer

try reading The Shock Doctrine by naomi klein...then make up your mind--and if you don't want to read the whole book, at least read chapters 16 and 17.


Income redistribution.....a.k.a. socialism, next step communism. Oh wait....but that's patriotic according to Joe Biden. What a joke Biden is....paying taxes is the patriotic thing to do? Spoken like a true socialist.....does he forget our history, does he realize the whole Boston Tea party, the spark of the Revolutionary War was over excessive taxation? How about our government being "patriotic" and letting the people keep their money and control their own lives. That's what this country's first war was all about. And now the liberals want us to go backward. Well, at least the Europeans will like Obama. But you know what? The day we worry or care about what a bunch of weak bitter socialists think about us, is the day that I'm ashamed to be an American.