What pregnancy cravings are you having? (10 points for most interesting answer)?

Just now I was craving cold beef tongue. How about you, other mamas?


Aw, poor S.D. :(

Fluffy Cheryl♥2008-10-01T00:11:23Z

Favorite Answer

my oddest was with baby 2 milk and mustard..
it had to be ice cold milk and had to be wholegrain mustard...
I even had a routine for it..
get full glass cold mink
drink half
add 1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard and stir
wait for the grains to settle
scoop them out with a spoon and eat
drink the rest of the milk

mmmmmmmmmm the hot and cold sensations together were lovely...........

with baby 1 it was hot mashed potato with chilled strawberry mousse on top.. hot potato made the mousse melt.. the thing was it was horrible and i'd be sick but i still craved it......thankfully that one only lasted a short while..

with baby 3 i had no cravings i'd got through phases of really fancying something but not a craving as such, plus even so it was quite normal things i'd want..

A derka der2008-10-01T00:19:56Z

ewwww... sorry, but ew. Lol. Each to her own i suppose.

I am only 12 weeks atm, I haven't noticed anything strange. Mostly, I had to lose weight in order to fall pregnant, so haven't been able to enjoy naughty food. Now that i am pregnant, and need lots of small meals, i find i am snacking on bad foods. Like cookies, and chips. I am LOVING hamburgers from the fish n chip shop though! Man, they are SO yummy. I am considering cooking up some potato wedges and eating them with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce for lunch. Mmmm....

Yeah, i would call trips to the chippy a craving. Hamburger, two potato scallops. yummy. Mostly though, my tummy feels full till i am starving hungry, so i don't know what to eat till i'm already grumpy because i need food. So annoying.

Oh, I remember about 2 weeks ago, i was on the way home and started craving fruit. So i went to the veggie shop and bought a few different fruits and made a fruit salad. It was SO yummy, and smelled GREAT!!! And I absolutely HATE fruit salad. HAHAHAHA!!!


Not interesting really but I craved potato. In any form. Roasted, mashed, potato salad, fries, chips.
And cheeseburgers. I had really bad morning sickness and the only foods I could eat were deep fried. I literally lived on McDonald's, pizza, fish and chips, Burger King... Surprisingly I didn't put on a ton of weight. In fact I lost 16 kilos and even by the time my son was born I was lighter than before I got pregnant! I thought all the bad food would be bad for my baby, though my midwife told me if I was craving it, I should eat it, my body must be needing something in the junk food.
Though it's not a diet I would recommend! I don't think many people could lose 16kg while living on burgers!


Hey there, when i was about 18 weeks, i had the weirdest cravings for candle wax.. @_@. Of course i didn't eat it, i just used to chew on it.. What the hell?

Than at 32 weeks, i had a craving for banana's with salt and chocolat powder...

Yes its pretty sick. I'm 38 weeks now, and i havent had cravings that sick anymore.. Thank god.



I am not craving anything. In fact I am not able to eat a normal meal because of this sick/nausea feeling the whole day long.

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