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What pregnancy cravings are you having? (10 points for most interesting answer)?

Just now I was craving cold beef tongue. How about you, other mamas?


Aw, poor S.D. :(

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my oddest was with baby 2 milk and mustard..

    it had to be ice cold milk and had to be wholegrain mustard...

    I even had a routine for it..

    get full glass cold mink

    drink half

    add 1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard and stir

    wait for the grains to settle

    scoop them out with a spoon and eat

    drink the rest of the milk

    mmmmmmmmmm the hot and cold sensations together were lovely...........

    with baby 1 it was hot mashed potato with chilled strawberry mousse on top.. hot potato made the mousse melt.. the thing was it was horrible and i'd be sick but i still craved it......thankfully that one only lasted a short while..

    with baby 3 i had no cravings i'd got through phases of really fancying something but not a craving as such, plus even so it was quite normal things i'd want..

  • 1 decade ago

    ewwww... sorry, but ew. Lol. Each to her own i suppose.

    I am only 12 weeks atm, I haven't noticed anything strange. Mostly, I had to lose weight in order to fall pregnant, so haven't been able to enjoy naughty food. Now that i am pregnant, and need lots of small meals, i find i am snacking on bad foods. Like cookies, and chips. I am LOVING hamburgers from the fish n chip shop though! Man, they are SO yummy. I am considering cooking up some potato wedges and eating them with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce for lunch. Mmmm....

    Yeah, i would call trips to the chippy a craving. Hamburger, two potato scallops. yummy. Mostly though, my tummy feels full till i am starving hungry, so i don't know what to eat till i'm already grumpy because i need food. So annoying.

    Oh, I remember about 2 weeks ago, i was on the way home and started craving fruit. So i went to the veggie shop and bought a few different fruits and made a fruit salad. It was SO yummy, and smelled GREAT!!! And I absolutely HATE fruit salad. HAHAHAHA!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not interesting really but I craved potato. In any form. Roasted, mashed, potato salad, fries, chips.

    And cheeseburgers. I had really bad morning sickness and the only foods I could eat were deep fried. I literally lived on McDonald's, pizza, fish and chips, Burger King... Surprisingly I didn't put on a ton of weight. In fact I lost 16 kilos and even by the time my son was born I was lighter than before I got pregnant! I thought all the bad food would be bad for my baby, though my midwife told me if I was craving it, I should eat it, my body must be needing something in the junk food.

    Though it's not a diet I would recommend! I don't think many people could lose 16kg while living on burgers!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey there, when i was about 18 weeks, i had the weirdest cravings for candle wax.. @_@. Of course i didn't eat it, i just used to chew on it.. What the hell?

    Than at 32 weeks, i had a craving for banana's with salt and chocolat powder...

    Yes its pretty sick. I'm 38 weeks now, and i havent had cravings that sick anymore.. Thank god.


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  • 1 decade ago

    I am not craving anything. In fact I am not able to eat a normal meal because of this sick/nausea feeling the whole day long.

  • I'm about 5 months, and so far I've had nothing but normal cravings. That's I thought I would be a lot worse off.

  • 1 decade ago

    With baby number 1 it was pickles dipped in BBQ sauce. With this baby its been alot of weird things, the most recent is potatoe salad scooped with pretzles and m&ms on ranch doritos

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    exciting? Oh heck yeah! 10 out of 10! Informative? Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... i'm assume to hearken to suggestion given the following????????????? or believe as reality, human beings posting garbage from countless knucklehead web content? aren't to any extent further making me snort. ! yet exciting as all get out!

  • Vixen
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I was craving dim sum dessert that fried ball with Black Sweet Sesame Seed inside and the coloured sweet dumplings Mmm..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lately its been everything and anything...

    But mostly ive been craving seafood.Yummy! I love me some seafood anyday, Crabs,scrimp,fish...OMG,I can taste it in my mouth right now. Yes,im greedy but its mostly the baby.LMBO.

    Source(s): 33wks 3 days pregnant w/# 2
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