Your thoughts on Sarah Palin?

I only saw clips from the debate on Thursday (I was at a class) and I have been watching discussions on CNN but even though she is considered to be less smart and unqualified I found myself charmed by her and felt she carried herself well even with all the pressure. What do you think of Sarah Palin?


"I'd rather look at her for 4-8 yrs. than Biden with his hair flop."
I can see the Republicans just using her as a pretty new face to contrast old McCain. It's funny that the Democrats did the same thing; a white-haired white man to contrast the cool first black (potential) president. They have to appeal to everyone I guess.


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Charming, poised, not ready to be VP.


She's got good instincts, as Bill Clinton said. But he depth of knowledge is a bit thin or shallow; however, as she proved in the debate, she's a quick study and will learn a lot more each day. Harry Truman had been kept in the dark about some of the high level goings on in WWII, but when he became president, he spent long days reading all the files and quickly got up to speed and did a great job of leading our country through the final part of that war. Maybe she can do that kind of quick study too. I hope so if McCain gets elected. Thanks for asking and that's what I think.

Paul M2008-10-03T19:48:33Z

I'd rather look at her for 4-8 yrs. than Biden with his hair flop.


I like her ideas on energy. I think that it is important for us to produce our own oil. I was curious about the Alaska pipeline, and if anyone is interested,
here's a link to more information:


Sara Palin i believe is over rated. She thinks she knows politics.. but she does not. She has been a mayor and a governor and is trying to be vice president... im sorry .. but if i were a highschool graduate going for a engineering job... i dont think my resume would be apealing for my job.. SARAH PALIN HAS NO EXPERIENCE IN WASHINGTON. NOR BE THE PRESIDENT OF THE US EVEN IF NETHING HAPPENED

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