What do you think about the verdict in the OJ Simpson Las Vegas Case?



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He got found guilty. I'm a little surprised that it was guilty on all twelve of the charges, but the evidence was there. Hotels have cameras and everything was on tape. Judge Glass is a hard line judge. She'll impose the harshest sentence she can, because that's what she does. In this case, it's poetic justice.

They're saying here in Vegas "Las Vegas finished the job that Los Angeles couldn't"

Veritas et Aequitas ()2008-10-04T18:03:06Z

Any other person and they get off. But OJ is a murderer and he screwed up and now he finally got his. I love it because he's walked around like he's somebody when he's a murdering bastard. It's his fault, he screwed up and now he finally pays for his crime. Of course it's not officially time he will serve for murdering two people but he will be behind bars for the rest of his life where he should have been 13 years ago.


Yeah i'm satisfied he's finally going to penal complicated. i understand he killed Nicole and were given away with it. you are able to run O.J. yet you won't be able to conceal! I heard he could get an charm in preserving with it being an all white jury yet hi there i'm black and that i could of despatched his @ss to penal complicated!

Experto Credo2008-10-04T12:06:29Z

He was so hopelessly guilty on this one, with loads of evidence and witnesses and rthe kidnapping charge is what will stick the hardest

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