The October Surprise?
I just copied and pasted this off of another persons question, Is this true? I reached my answering limit for the day, so I couldn't ask the person who posted this if it was really true or not so instead I reposted it- Hope the asker doesn't mind me plagiarizing them.I took out the offensive stuff.
Obama doesn't want his past to be publicized. he has told his old schools to withhold information about him and his grades, He has yet to show that he was actually born in Hawaii. (McCain has already showed his birth certificate and found to be a legal citizen) Obama has until Oct 15th to show proof of his citizenship or be disqualified for running for president. Obama can't do this because he (is not) a U.S. citizen and never took the American oath when he returned from Indonesia. Obama is the prime cause of the finical crisis from his connections with Fannie May, He can lie all he wants to, but the media is going to print the truth for America to see and the network stations are going to put all of Obama's lies into every Americans home during prime time, I hope you've enjoyed your poll (pole) for most of you. Because the party is almost over for Obama, The October surprise will knock America off it's feet,
Must have been removed- The link was a court document saying that Obama has to show proof of his birth place by Oct. 15 or else he will be removed from the race, and it stated his lawyers refused to show the birth certificate or release any personal info about Obama, just wandering if that is true or not?
Like I said before- This was someone elses question, I was just wondering if it was true.
I have also been noticing that every web site about Obama that shows him in a negative light has been deleted, Why is this? 5 minutes after I post the link, the site is disabled?
heres another link