Obama McCain debate and issues?

Are there any issues that you feel that BOTH Senator Obama and McCain totally missed the mark on.
I am looking for an issue that you feel personally they Both missed. ie Health care, energy, housing, small Business, taxes ... ect....


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The housing and the taxes, they both changed their answers a little from the first debate. Both were redundant from the first one. No one won this time I think. Both gave not so good answers on some. Like Obama's answer on the question about helping Israel was bullsh*t. He didn't mean what he said and he was not right on that one. Once again CNN being CNN and not recognizing what was really the truth.

About health care, I still can't believe Americans think health care is a right. That really gets me. Health care is a responsibility in my opinion. Not everyone deserves equal choice of health care. Doesn't say it in the Constitution. Not everyone should be promised free health care. Next thing you know, people will want a $200,000 home and 2 cars from the government. You give people an inch, they will take a mile.


McCain challenged Bush to greater debates in 2000. Bush refused. Bush gained. Clinton challenged Obama to greater debates in 2008. Obama refused. Obama gained. stumble on a development here? The loser continuously needs greater debates. Carter challenged Reagan in 1980. Ford Challenged Carter in 1976. Nixon challenged Kennedy in 1960. by skill of ways, judging from McCain's modern commercials, he's clearly no longer even remotely fascinated interior the subject concerns.


Mccain totally missed the mark on every issue.. i think he actually missed the mark on life. He looked like a lost cause up there

Democracy First2008-10-07T19:59:26Z

Not where BOTH missed the mark. Again Obama answered the questions with details and McCain with obscurity.

bicycle to live2008-10-07T20:00:30Z

Demanding the government stay on budget and work on eliminating the deficit with in 10 years.

Eliminating the deficit will cure a lot of our problems.

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