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Obama and McCain Debate?

We are doing a debate on obama vs. McCain at my school. Not to my liking, i was put on the Obama side. =/. So i was wondering what are some of the major points to focus on during the debate? I know me and my team should talk about the issues and what he plans to do but what else do we need to talk about? Also, i need some "dirt" on McCain. Not gossip, but actual good facts.

If you Have anything else to help with the debate, please include that also.

Thanks in advance.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    One of the leading intellectuals of our time Bernard-Henry Levy is of the opinion that McCain is out of touch (NPR Radio broad cast).

    Focus on the economy, research the above reference.

    8 years ago I could not tell McCain's views appart from G W. Bush's views. Granted McCain would do much better in millitary tactics, but Obama and McCain (while both economically astute) have different views on what to do about fixing this depression that we are in. McCain's views on this suggests to Bernard that he is out of touch.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can start by saying that McCain has vetoed every alternative energy proposal put in front of him and that the oil companies own him. You can call him unethical as at least 95% of what he says about Obama is lies. You can call him senile because as late as last Friday he said the economy is strong. Maybe amongst his rich friends who want to continue paying less taxes than the working class. McCain also doesn't want to spend any money on education. The less people in the "good old boy" club, the more workers there are to fight for jobs. McCain is a hot head and war hawk, a bad combination. And lets face it, Sarah Palin is a piece of meat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama's tax increase only increases 5% of the American people.

    He supports alternative energy, was against the war in Iraq from the beginning, socialized health care. It is better than the system now because it reaches everyone. He wants to increase opportunities for people to help out their community. Unity. Hope. Change. Obama.

    As far as "dirt", check

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is pro choice( meaning letting people decide if or not they want there kid) Mccain says no to abortion, provide more jobs, tax cuts on the working people make less than a quarter of a milllion dollars, afforadable healthcare, Mccain gradutated 894 out of 899 of his college class, he also thinks spain is in latin america, his 7 top advisor are lobbyist, he is an idiot, he cheated on his wife,

    Source(s): Obama/Biden 08
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  • 1 decade ago


    2nd stimulus: For a quick fix, Obama will give 500 dollar stimulus checks to single working individuals and 1000$ checks to working families to alleviate the punishment of high gas prices. He will pay for this with a windfall tax increase on oil company profits.

    Tax cuts and increases: He supports tax cuts for the middle class. These cuts will cover 95 percent of the population. This includes getting rid of taxes for senior citizens making less than 50K a year, giving up to 1K cuts for working families, and repealing the Bush tax cuts that benefit the wealthy. He also wants to make the IRS send pre-prepared tax forms so that Americans can fill them out in five minutes or less. His plan for paying for these tax cuts is to increase capital gains and dividend taxes on investors, with the exception being that if those investors are an employee who is invested through their 401k then they only pay the income tax rather than the increased cap gains tax.

    Job recovery: He will invest 50B in state govs facing shortfalls and on repair and maintenance of roads, bridges, and schools to cut down on unemployment, which has reached a staggering 6 percent and rising.

    Minimum Wage-- Obama supports raising the minimum wage and indexing it to inflation each year so that if inflation rises the minimum wage does so as well.

    If you like things black and white, consider it this way: Obama favors more demand side economics while McCain prefers supply side.

    Financial Regulation: With the recent mortgage crisis and collapse of investment firms, Obama believes it's more important now than ever to reform government oversight and reimplement regulations on the financial industry. He will impose strict capital and liquidity requirements and create a new oversight committee with the personnel to anticipate flux in the capital markets.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    2. even by skill of protecting his very own, obama wins - an adverse new cycle does not mitigate mccain's meant experience interior the foreign places coverage container. the expectancy is that mccain wipes the floor with obama, reminicent of the cheney-edwards vice chairman debate...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hahah sucks to be you. Go to Obama's site and click on "Issues" you'll find some information there

    Source(s): McCain/Palin '08
  • 1 decade ago

    haha. if i were you, i would refuse.

    i will NOT give you any dirt on mccain.

    obama is the one i should be giving u dirt about.

    but, i will keep my cool.

    i am known to get heated on the subject.

    but, good luck.

    hope you have fun!!!!

    umm.. google it.

    thats the only advice i can give.

    Source(s): MCCAIN/PALIN '08!
  • 1 decade ago

    go to obama's site and find some stuff.

    mccain/palin '08

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would have helped you, but unfortunately you admitted you don't like Obama, so.....

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