Obama would not answer this question, can you?

If your health care program doen't meet Obama's standards, how much of a fine will you have to pay?


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i have no clue.

I am KING Obama!! BOW TO ME2008-10-08T03:13:31Z

obamas website says for small business it was 25,000.00 for each employee. Mccain was correct when he said he would fine small business. notice obama never did answer that, he just said they will give a 50% tax break.
I have 33 employees. with rising costs of everything, I profit 60 grand a year. My top techs make more than I do.
Now, obama will fine me if I dont insure them. ok, 5 grand a year is what it costs to provide healthcare for each one.
thats $165,000.00 a year in healthcare I would have to pay out.
I cant lay off employees, because I will make less profit. so its bye bye business of 14 years!

BTW, this info is FROM obamas website!

Beatle Band Aid2008-10-08T03:11:20Z

Not a clue, but McCain did try to get him to fess up. Obama didn't answer the question about who he would appoint as, I think, the Secretary of the Treasury.


I think he was saying the big companies paying for these health care benefits would be fined, not individual people on individual plans.

Official Bethy2008-10-08T03:12:12Z

He couldn't answer it, it would probably scare us all. What kind of policy is that anyway?! Yet another great Obama plan for best interest of the American People... Such BS!

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