Will Obama make you richer?

He sounds like he is going to take all the rich guys money and give it to the rest of us!


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On the short run I probably would make more money under Obama.....but this is NOT about my having a few more dollars but what is good for the nation.
Obama's socialistic approach.....blatant plan to "redistribute the wealth of America".....will destroy America
He can not "buy" my vote at the cost of destroying America
He ran for state and federal office on the promise to "LOWER TAXES.....after his election he voted REPEATEDLY 95 times to INCREASE taxes.....and never once voted to decrease taxes...... AGAIN he is promising to lower taxes.....he lied to you TWICE.....do you really expect him to keep his word this time ???
Examine Obama's "solutions" (??) to the problems that face America.... from Outsourcing to health care..... they all sound good until you examine them closely.....look at their full impact and eventual result..... He is not "evil" just inept and inexperienced..... that is why most of the major American economists .....both Democrat and Republican.....say Obama will bankrupt America in three years if he implements his policies

paul k2008-10-18T04:37:13Z

Might make us richer in the way that we treat each other seems like me that he want us to come back to being one nation and building a strong goverment for the people not the rich or the poor but for all of us.


Rich is a relative term. But for the past few decades, the gap between the rich and the poor has been widening. Therefore, if he can push through some reforms in taxation, then it may be possible to address the widening gap.
Some of his measures may make it happen, over a longer term:
1) additional taxation for high bracker income groups;
2) more taxation on profits of large corporations;
3) investment in future of Americans (through education, health, innovation and research, etc) but these need expenditure in the short term;
4) taking away expenditures that are not working (saves the federal budgets of billions);

The public debt is now $5.6 trillion, not including social security, medicare and medicaid (if those are included, these add up to the tune of $59 trillion). Therefore, he may try to tweak the whole budget to lessen the total debt. Lowering the total debt is equivalent to making the citizens wealthier. However, even the most optimistic outlook for this to happen will need at least 10 years of austerity - in reversing the past excesses.


It doesn't sound like that at all.

I remember, on the radio, a women was on a talk show showing people how to make money on the stock market. and part way through the show she said, "Well, you know, I like to invest in blocks of $100,000."

Oh, my. How clued in to real life are the rich?

Obama's for taking some of the burden off of the Middle Class and laying more off the burden upon the rich. I'm quite sure another couple of million won't hurt the likes of Bill Gates or a few hundred thousand more for Cindy who admits to pulling in about $6 million per year,

I'm sure that people like Madonna, Oprah, Nicholson etc can easily afford a bit more without having to do without. Maybe McCain could use a number of houses he can actually count!


Socialists often make the very poorest have higher incomes but at the cost of making 90% of the population, ie, the labor and middle classes, much poorer.

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